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MDS Entranet Remote Radio Commands

Use the following commands for troubleshooting / configuration of Remote Radio.

Following contains list of commands and their syntax, for each command please
consult the attached manual for complete functionality / information about each
command starting from page 116.
Once connect the radio with RJ11 to RS232 cable on Com1, Open hyper-terminal
and using serial configuration go online with the radio. Parameters would be as

19,200 bps data rate

8 data bits
no parity
one stop bit (8N1)
hardware flow control disabled

Once connected, press enter several times. Type command login and enter.
Username & password is (admin)
General Syntax:
Command type (including spaces) then press enter
To check the value syntax would be Command_Argument= (press enter)
To change the value syntax would be Command_Argument=Value (press enter)
For Com2 parameters following commands would be useful
Com2 baud=
Com2 flowctrl=
Com2 format=
For statistics of communication following commands would be useful
Radio ASSOC=
Radio RSSI=
Radio Quality=
Radio Sync=
Stats Radio=
Stats Com2=
Details for each command is well defined in the attached manual. You need to go
through page 116 to 128.

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