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In view of the foregoing findings the following recommendations are made:


To widen and enhance the Political Maturity of the Legal Management students,
they should be given more exposure the Social Media that gives more information
about the politics: to eliminate the common misconception that the Social Media
is just limited in the interaction with friends and to people around the world about
the trends in fashion, gadgets, celebrities and the likes. Therefore it will give them
a wide array of opportunities in developing their Political Maturity.

Enhance the exposure of Legal Management student in the field of politics and
the government so they will know how it goes and how they be a useful citizen of
the country in their own will and responsibility.

.By conducting symposium, assessments, and seminars, the Legal Management

students can make them realize that the use of Social Media can actually change
oneself and the country by being responsible in exercising the will in politics.
This will equip them to discover new facets of the Social Media and use them to
effectively make a difference and positive influence.

To raise awareness, that the internet is a powerful tool and not just for past time
and to play through Social Media, issue publicity matters, posters and

Teachers or professors should allow the students to use the gadgets inside the
classroom when there is an activity about or relating to the news, current events
and politics to open their account in Social Media.

The institutions or schools should provide access in the internet especially in the
Social Media application within the campus, to develop the decisiveness of their
students when reading articles, or matters regarding the politics.

The manufacturers should create the gadgets with built-in applications of social
media. In this way it could be an information giver about the politics it could be in
just one click and so, one can voice out himself or herself, influence others or the
other way around.

Colleges and Universities should train Legal Management, students and educators
to enhance the standards and level of competitiveness.

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