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EEtD SEP 26 wath, azcdan King Septesber 205 1962 THE MEASURE CF A MAH: JACKIE ROBINSOH by Martin Lather Kings Jr 1s sensing 1s only probed when oor Lives center $2 outside ourselves. Much of tne anziety aud fructration we kaoy persomily $s compounded ty an unbealthy and umbolesoae concer: with the selfteh daterect as it relates to one's health, bis faxiiy,or bis gods T speak of thet voter goes beyont the natural sepslse of survival ant solt-preservation. a vbat does your life ‘tocus coce you bare resolved the Gflema of vbare you s1¢¢P ‘apd eat, where you work and Live,anf viat eiother you aati veer? Where does a ms go frac bare? Or rather, ‘were should a saz go fros here? qT resexber a saxiz frec sy college days: “A pan all wrapped up ia hiaself ie a mighty epcil package." The great danger of our aodern society ia that in stay instances Lae ae altrotss-the revaréing spirit of detac for a ct woes MEET others without any desire or hope for reward save, He x unos Gees a _gosionstsnatBtastrcticn coat ie brings. “what's tn 12 SREBR snouts nore! Nis 4a the ery of our age. Yt 48 refreshing, nov and agata, to find soxeboiy that exvdes the dynanic ani vitality of being fixed in interests ovtside bis oun life. This, I believe 42 wbut realy ake: dackte Robinson utice". I listened intently te hts verds Wednesday night at Salen Methodist Church. It vat a fund-raising rally-<- one of five in the greater Nev York area. Jackie presently serves as National Chatraaz fo- SCLC's érive te completely rebuilé the four churchss burned by raciste in Lee and ‘Terrell county, Ceorgiz. Airesdy, tn less than tvo weeks, he bas raised fn cash ané pledges nearly $20,009.00 to rebutle the Shady Grove, Nouat Olive, Neunt Mery and Etgr Hope Beptiet churches. Ect that vitet, ie mere impressive te whet he vee saying particularly to the Kegro cossunity in the North. "Zo1e ts sonething ve ought to do oursel Most of the eoney hae cose froz white people, but we must feel a sense of responsibility te let our brothers in the South knov that we are behind thes and support then...We don't: ‘JACKIE ROBTES ti have tt made in New Yori until every Negro bes tt ade $5 ‘the South." ‘This 1s a eoacusiag part of the Jackie Robinson erece. Vhea you review the specifies of hie perseml history, tt pelies an everseideaing circles of interest outetde ninselt. ‘As = Cavalry officer, he cool exsiir hive overlocued the inconveniences of bus segregetion on an Arsy post, bat he was concerned aboot the Negro Gel. wre éicn't bave rank [As the firet Hegre dn orgaatzed baseball, he displayed aboorse restraizt, auch agdinet the grain of bis ove fierce eoopetitivenses, but it pared the way for the Wihite Hayes ant the Maury Wille ant pretape sose Negro youngster @ the strect fro: you. After retireseat, he buceled dova to an executive task with Chock Pall dlicts ant bas becone 2 ploncer for the Negro in big business, For yours he bas erred as Co-chairacs of the Freetoc Punt of the KALCP ‘traveling a2 over the ation, speazing and raising funis for their national progres. And when the mort eoveted boaor of overy baseball playar-velection to the Eall of Fase cane JACETE RODTESCK = to hip, his frieods eat atairers tn the fact honored tis ‘with « $25.00 a plate afnaer at the valdor?. Jackie Roviasen insisted thet ali the procesis—-sone $70¢0, given to the Voter Reristration of SCC. Ouee were Jackie Robinson tas chosen & Zize¢ point ostelde hie 14f0 arosai which he eontors Bie esergy and ersoaal resources. There ts Little dovb: thet before may days, out of the ashes api rutne cf those churches that Were used to teach the plain and tuple people of the Tand to use the ballot, there wilt rise brick a2¢ gorter and steel because there ts 2 mon came’ Jack Roosevelt Robinses whose Lite orbits arcunt fine poists cutsice hte ova, 2

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