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Major achievements:

Since Joining TCS,

In last 1 yr, I have worked in 4 releases till now for Postbank Project
1) September release:
* Created UTR Document for this release and helped testing team to complete th
eir work in time.
* was available on release day to complete the migration successfully.
2) December Release:
* Was involved in requirements gathering discussion.
* Completed the Development and UTR.
* Created Control-m Jobs for this release
* Was available on release day to complete the migration successfully and init
ial verification.
3) February Release:
* Was involved in requirements gathering discussion.
* Completed the Development and UTR.
* Created Control-m Jobs for this release.
* Was available on release day to complete the migration successfully and init
ial verification.
* Was sole responsible for this release migration to complete successfully.
* Waited till night 1 AM(due to server space issue to complete the task) to co
mplete the migration and initial verification.
4) June/July Release:
* Was involved in requirements gathering discussion.
* Completed the module Development and UTR.
* Provided analysis of existing informatica workflow to Analyst and Team.
Apart from above, I also gave training(Control-M) and informatica to new associa
Attended Training for soft skills.
Completed Bigdata Ecosystem and Hadoop Map-Reduce to enhance my knowledge on Big
Data Analytics by 3 days external training conducted by Simplilearn
Providing Support in weekdays and weekends with responsibility to help Testing t
eam during their test for July Release.
Working as active module lead in absence of current lead.
Working in project with 100% attendance and dedication.

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