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Romeo and Juliet

Test Review and Final Thoughts on the Play

Consider each of the following questions carefully. Make point form notes to
serve as the beginning of your study notes.
1. What was the role of fate in the play? Be sure to use quotes and
examples to support your answer. Consider: premonitions, dreams,
references to stars and fate, coincidences, etc.
2. Who is responsible for Juliets death?
3. What is the role of people of power such as the Prince and the Friar?
Support with evidence.
4. To what degree are Mercutio, the Nurse and the Friar responsible for
the tragedy?
5. List, in order, the deaths in the play.
6. At the end of the play the Prince says that some shall be pardoned and
some punished. For each of the following characters, determine what
punishment was received and whether it was deserved: Romeo, Juliet,
Lady and Lord Capulet, Ladfy and Lord Montague, Mercutio, Tybalt, and
Paris. Nothing happens to the Nurse and the Friar. Is this justice?
7. Argue: Romeo and Juliet are innocent victims of a senseless feud OR
Romeo and Juliets own decisions are largely responsible for their own
8. How is the contrast of light and dark used effectively in the play?
9. Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast. How do the Friars words
relate to the young lovers?

Hate destroys love. Discuss.

11. Why is Romeo and Juliet a tragedy?

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