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A bar chart is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent.

Bar charts are used for comparing two or more values. The bars can be horizontally or vertically
oriented. Sometimes a stretched graphic is used instead of a solid bar

A broken bar graph is used when one value, or a few values, goes up very high. Instead of
scaling everything down, the abnormally high value is indicated with the broken bar graph. Of
course, a number also has to be indicated, so that anybody who reads the bar graph can find out
what the number actually is.

Broken Bar Charts in PowerPoint

If you are plotting a graph where some values are a great deal larger than the others it can be
difficult to interpret the lower values.

The lower values here are difficult to read. We need to create a chart that shows BOTH the upper
and lower values - A broken bar like this:

BUT .... PowerPoint cannot really create such a graph!

How to do it!
The first step is to adjust the larger values. We subtracted 40 from both of the higher values - you
should choose a value that still shows the higher values as distinctly different. Re plot the graph.
It looks much better and still indicates that there are two high values. Of course the actual higher
values are incorrect.
Next format the value axis so that it does not show. In versions before 2007 un tick the value axis
box in chart options > axes. In 2007 use Chart Tools > Layout > Axes.
Now re-lable the axis using textboxes. The 0, 5 and 10 values will be unchanged but after this
add the value subtracted back on. We subtracted 40 so 15 becomes 55, 20 becomes 60 etc. Make
sure that the font matches the chart and use the align tools for accuracy.
Lastly add in graphics set to background fill / no line to indicate the break.

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