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Existing mini project.

This Attendance Register Project has User Interface for taking attendance based on
user rights (Admin-Principal, HOD, Staff, Student (Rep), Student). User can see the
attendance reports for class, students and departments based on user rights which have been
mentioned above. User interface for taking attendance going to develop in .Net application
and Mobile application (android application). Login credentials will be loaded and then
interface will be load based on user rights.

Registration module for students and staff, going to develop in .Net application.
Attendance will be maintain for different scenarios like day order, Period wise, day wise and
month wise. This process will be created as a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)
service. This service will be called in mobile application and .Net application. For both
application database will be maintain as common (centralized), and SQL Server 2008 as a

Scope of the Project

Attendance can be taken from mobile or desktop computer. User Roles will be
splitting into Student, Representative, Staff, HOD, Principal. Based on roles they can handle
attendance and they can see the attendance reports. Database will be maintained single for
both mobile and desktop applications.

This Student and Staff Attendance Register Project has User Interface for taking
attendance based on user rights (Admin-Principal, HOD, Staff, Student (Rep), Student). User
can see the attendance reports for class, students and staffs departments based on user rights
which have been mentioned above. User interface for taking attendance going to develop in
.Net application and Mobile application (android application). Login credentials will be
loaded and then interface will be load based on user rights. This system generates a message
that will send to the hand phone via SMS and E-mail.
Registration for students and staff going to develop in .Net application. Attendance will be
maintain for different scenarios like day order, Period wise, day wise and month wise. This
process will be created as a MVC web API application. This application will be used as a
service and .Net application. web API (Restful service) service will be called in mobile
application. For both application database will be maintain as common (centralized).I am
going to use SQL Server as a Database.

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