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The White Cliffs of Dover

The White Cliffs of

Channel port in Kent.

Dover are the most famous symbol of the

The White Cliffs are a recognizable

those approaching the port of
Dover from the English

landmark to

But not only people on

the sea can wonder in their beauty. Thousands of
people walk on the cliffs top paths during the season and enjoy the unique flora and fauna that
can be found only here.
The cliffs are a symbol for Britons everywhere.

They witnessed dramatic moments in English history like the arrival of the
Romans or the return of the British forces from Dunkirk.
Officially designated an Icon of Britain and recognized throughout
the world, they have been seen by the nation as a sign of security,
inspiration, hope and freedom
for centuries.

But the cliffs are not only important for the UK. They are world famous. The soft, white chalk
is rare geologically; it is a very pure form of limestone. The White Cliffs of Dover are
Englands most spectacular natural feature.
The cliffs were featured in many songs and poems, most notably by Dame Vera Lynn in her
wartime classic (Therell be bluebirds over) The White Cliffs of Dover. It was also mentioned
by William Shakespeare in King Lear.

White Cliffs of Dover Fauna

The white chalk that forms the

cliffs gives home to several
species of cliff-nesting birds such
as the fulmar or the black-legged
The chalkhill blue butterfly can be
easily spotted here as well.

White Cliffs of Dover Walks

The White Cliffs are best viewed

on a walking tour. There are many paths to be taken and you will be assisted to choose the best
path at Dover's Visitor Center.
There is a walking festival organized by the end of August by the White Cliffs Ramblers.

White Cliffs Of Dover Erosion

The White Cliffs are in a constant

danger of erosion and during the past
years landfalls occurred. Every year the
cliffs get narrower by about 1cm. In
2001 and 2012 large chunks of the cliff
collapsed into the Channel. Visitors are
advised to not stand close to the cliffs

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