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English Summary

In the article TV Violence: Does it Cause Real-Life Mayhem? by

Susan Lamson, she explains why TV violence contributes to violence in
society. Dr. Brandon S. Centrewall, professor of epidemiology at the
university of Washington, has a recent study that shows homicide rate
has doubled since the 1950s. This study shows that trends like drugs
and alcohol can be eliminated, whereas TV violence cannot be
stopped. As discussed, violence sells, we have to tolerate it, and we
do; which makes media pushers give us more. Trying to stop this
epidemic, the Television Violence Act was introduced to many major
networks. These networks agreed to tone down their violence, but
they failed to do so. Soon after, one of the most violent sweeps
month (the month to compete for viewership) was named that month
of May. To end off, Lamson shows that real life mayhem corresponds to
TV violence.

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