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Fill in the correct words derived from the words in bold:

Astronauts have to be physically and mentally ready for the stress and the
strain of a space mission. To prepare them, astronauts are given 1).
(intense) training, which includes years of classroom study on 2)..(vary)
technical subjects, and working in a model spaceship where they can practice 3)
(complicate) flight operations, and become used to all the 4)
(equip) on board.
Apart from high 5).(intelligent), good qualifications and an
excellent level of fitness, astronauts must have a strong character. They also have to be
very 6)(courage) in order to accept the high risks involved.
Astronauts also have to face other, more ordinary, problems in space.
What can be very 7)(annoy) is the limited variety of food, but the
greatest challenge is getting along with other members of their team as they often come
from different countries, with different backgrounds and habits. Therefore, they must be
very 8).(patience) with each other, since the lack of privacy can become
All in all, it seems that being an astronaut is one of the most 10)
(challenge) jobs in the world.

b. For an 1)(enjoy) fun-filled holiday, Thailand is one of

your most exciting options. Thailand has something for everyone.
Taste delicious 2).(spice) food in 3)..
(live) restaurants, or experience the 4)(colour) nightlife of
Bangkok, the capital city. Here, you can choose from variety of entertainment from 5)
(tradition) dancing to modern musical shows. You will certainly
enjoy the 6)..(peace) green valleys and 7)(impress)
If you are looking for a more active holiday, you can hike through
Thailands 8)(mountain) areas and rolling hills. Perhaps visiting a 9)
..(sand) beach and swimming in refreshing waters will give you new
Between sampling 10).(taste) Thai cuisine, seeing new
sights and being entertained, you wont have a dull moment.

c. New Years Eve is celebrated on December 31st in 1)

(west) countries. It is a time for people to welcome the coming of the new year.
In London, for example, 2)..(prepare) for New Years
Eve begin weeks is advance. Everything is decorated in the 3)..
(tradition) way tinsel, streamers and balloons are hung and Happy New Year signs are
placed in windows. Party hats and tooters and bought in 4).(anticipate) of
the celebration
On New Years Eve, some people attend parties while others choose to
go to a pub or disco. Food and drinks are served and 5).(live) music is
played while party-goers chat or dance the night away. At might, the sound of popping
corks can be heard as champagne bottles are opened and the 6).(bubble)
drink is served. Many people spend the evening at Trafalgar Square. Crowds gather and
wait for 12 oclock when the chimes of the 7)..(fame) Big Ben ring out.
Everyone begins to sing 8).(happy) and wish each other a happy and 9)
..(health) new year.
No matter where New Years Eve is spent, the feeling is the same.
People 10)..(cheerful) celebrated this joyful occasion.

d. As people become more and more (0)..concerned..(concern) about

following a (1) (health) diet, and also about the (2) . (protect) of
animals, (3).(vegetarian) continues to increase in (4) .
(popular). Although meat is extremely (5) .. (nutrition), it can also be
very (6) . (fat), so eating a lot of it can lead to (7)..
(weight) problems and related (8) (ill) such as heart disease. On the other
hand, vegetables, grains and dairy (9) ..(produce) provide all the
nutriments (10).. (need) to build up and maintain a strong fit body.

e. The 1996 Paralympics, held in Atlanta, USA, were a 1).

(demonstrate) of the best aspects of sporting 2)(compete). The
games showed the world that , with enough spiritual 3).(strong) and 4)
(determine), even the most severely 5)(disable)
people can do 6).(amaze) things in the field of sport. From very humble 7)
..(begin), the Paralympics have steadily gained 8)..
(popular) and now among the major sporting events in the world. These games are an 9)
(inspire) to people 10)(world), and are proof that
people can reach their goals if they have faith in themselves and refuse to be defeated.

One of the worlds endangered species, the rhinoceros, is still being
hunted for its horn. The World Wildlife Fund supports (1)..(organise) which
try to stop the (2) (hunt), by providing vehicles and (3)
(equip) for several national parks in Africa. Protected areas have a high fence around
them, so rhinos can roam in (4)..(safe). The WWF also helps in the (5)
..(transport) of rhinos from (6)..(danger) areas into the
protected ones.
It is very important to lessen the demand for rhino horns. Rising (7)
(aware) of the problem is one way to help the situation. Rhino (8)
..(conserve) is one of the WWFs main task. (9)
(hope), the WWF will be able to put a stop to the (10).(acceptable) act
of rhino hunting.
g. The Internet has changed 1).(communicated) as we
know it. From education to 2)..(advertise), this new 3).
(technology) advance has affected 4)(practical) every aspect of our
lives. Magazines, newspapers and even books are online and can be read an computer.
You can find 5)..(inform) on any topic the 6)
(possible) are 7) .(end). The Internet can (8).
(instant) connect you to other computers, allowing you to chat with people all over the
world. Its actually very easy to learn how to use the system, and once youre online,
youll never want to turn the computer off. The (9).(develop) of such
technology has come a long way. These (10)..(amaze) electronic
devices have changed many peoples lives forever.

h. To escape from the routine of cooking and eating at home, many people
visit their 1)..(favour) restaurant or, if they are feeling 2)..
(adventure), they try an unfamiliar eating place. Eating out is a great 3)..
(please). You have the chance to sample 4).(taste) dishes, which are 5)
..(care) prepared by 6)..(experience) chefs. You
can try foods from around the world, everything from 7)(spice)
eastern dishes to 8)(tradition) French and English cuisine. Eating out
also gives you the chance to 9).(social) with friends, and to enjoy a 10)
(relax) meal without having to make any tiring 11)
(prepare) beforehand. For a break from the ordinary, having meal out is an easy an 12)
..(enjoy) option.

i. A new tipe of train may soon be in 1).(operate) in

Germany. So far, tests have been 2)..(success), and it is hoped that in 10
years time 3)(commute) will be able to travel from Hamburg to Berlin
in less than an hour. The Transrapid train is 4)(actual) the worlds
lowest-flying aircraft. It has been designed to travel at up to 420 km per hour, and it has
neither wheels nor a motor.
Instead of rails, a series of 5)(magnet) units powers
the train, allowing it to fly one centimetre above the tracks. Since it is suspended in the
air, it can turn sharp corners at very high speeds without creating any 6)
(notice) disturbance inside the train. 7).(environment) have serious
8)(object) to the train, however, as it is 9)
(significant) noisier than normal trains. Nevertheless, it seems that the new train will
soon be a popular 10).(alternate) to traveling by airplane between
cities in Germany.

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