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7 Understanding How Hypnotherapy Works in a Session

The average person who seeks the services of a hypnotherapist is neither weak-
minded nor neurotic.

Rather, they are typically a normal-functioning person who is seeking an

alternative treatment to a problem they have not been able to solve on their own
or a way to enhance or spark change in their life in a positive way.

The hypnosis technique can differ greatly from one problem to the next as weight
loss hypnosis would work differently than hypnosis to get someone to stop chewing
on their nails.

Here are some basic steps a hypnotherapist might follow in regards to a hypnosis

1. The hypnotherapist breaks down and clarifies behavior to the client. In other
words, they uncover the unconscious triggers that create the client's behavior.

If the person is trying to lose weight and break the cycle of overeating, perhaps
the subconscious motivator of over eating is emotional, a response to a bad or
stressful day.

The hypnotherapist works to uncover this problem so that the client recognizes
the behavior and understand it.

2. Next, the hypnotherapist recommends a strategy to the client while under

hypnosis that could address how to circumvent the undermining behaviors.

Now keep in mind the client may be hypnotized but is fully functional and aware of
what is going on but they are in such a relaxed state that they are quite
susceptible to suggestions.

3. If the client is fighting the hypnosis a bit, the hypnotherapist slowly guides
them into the relaxed, calm state needed to be susceptible to suggestion or
behavior modification.

This could be a step by step process of concentrating on one body change at a time
such as slowing the breathing and taking deep breaths all the way to relaxing the
muscles one by one in the body.

Once the client is totally under yet still aware, the hypnotherapist an start the
process of suggesting behavioral changes.
4. Once the hypnosis session is over, the client must evaluate over a period of
days whether or not being hypnotized helped with their problem.

It may take several hypnosis sessions trying a variety of techniques before

touching on the right one that will be effective.

The human brain is a mystery so no one really knows why hypnotic suggestions works
in one person but not another.

Only through trial and error will someone find the right hypnotic suggestions to
reinforce positive change.

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