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Macbeth Seminar Topics

1. Of all of Shakespeares tragic characters, Macbeth is the most isolated. What textual evidence is there
to illustrate the increasing isolation of Macbeth throughout the play?
2. Examine the role of Lady Macbeth in the play. Is she a commanding and awe-inspiring character or do
we merely detest her? Could she be considered to be the fourth witch? Or is she a victim of

3. Discuss the imagery of the play. Examples: blood, ill-fitting clothing, nature, darkness and light, etc. How

does it contribute to atmosphere, character development, and the revelation of the plays theme(s)?
Examine the soliloquies and asides of Macbeth throughout the play to demonstrate, initially, the key
qualities of his character and, later on, the steady deterioration of his morality.

5. Trace the nature of the relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth through the various stages of the play.
Prove that in many ways, these two main characters switch roles or personality traits as the play

6. Examine Shakespeares concept of the ideal king in Macbeth. In what ways are Duncan, MacDuff,
Banquo, and Macbeth lacking? What makes Malcolm a more suitable choice at the end of the play?

7. Analyze Banquos character to show that he provides a suitable foil or contrasting character to Macbeth
in various parts of the play.

8 Discuss the importance of the supernatural and fate in the play Macbeth. Referring to the Witches, the
air-drawn dagger, Banquos ghost, and the appartions, show how the supernatural contributes to the
plot development, the atmosphere and the theme(s) of the play.
9 Three powerful generals, Macbeth, Banquo and MacDuff save their country , Scotland, from its
enemies. Prove, that despite their admirable qualities, the personality trait of each character leads to
tragic consequences for him.
10 Conflict is indispensible to drama. Show that in the play Macbeth, there is an outward conflict of
persons and groups as well as a conflict of forces within the heros own soul.
11 One of Shakespeares most prelevant messages is that appearances are deceiving. Prove that this is
one of the central themes of Macbeth by examining its revelation in plot development, character, and
12 Nemesis is the principle of avenging justice bringing rewards as well as punishments (*the good are
rewarded and the bad are punished). Show how it applies to the major characters of the play: Duncan,
Banquo, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Malcolm, and MacDuff.
13 Why is the play Macbeth considered a tragedy? Is Macbeth really a tragic hero? Can Macbeth's death
be construed as a tragic death? Support your points using specific evidence from the play.

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