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January 20, 2015 To Whom It May Concern: Tam writing on behalf of James Davis. I have had the honor of having James as a student in my high school art classes at Springport High Sctiool. When James approached me asking for a letter of recommendation it was easy for me to say ‘yes’ for several reasons, based on his personality, his character, and his work ethic. James has an incredibly unique personality, which sets him apart from others. In my Art Foundations class last year, he was incredibly quiet and unsure of himself, even though I quickly discovered his natural creative eye. As Ihad more conversations with James I leamed of the gentle, kind-hearted nature he possessed. He is willing to accept others for who they are, he speaks encouragement to other classmates, and is quick to help someone in need (including myself on many occasions). James has such a creative and unique style, which I appreciate, and he allows his individuality to strengthen his artwork. James also maintains a high standard for character. He is incredibly respectful not only of myself, but others around him. He is always willing to accept a challenge and, thus, does not let frustration hinder him from problem-solving and being successful with his artwork. He trust- worthy, he has integrity, and abides by the golden rule, treating others as he would want to be treated. James has a maturity level higher than most students his age. Asa student, James as has incredibly work ethic. Last year after handing out my art departmental award at the senior award ceremony, James communicated to me that his goal was to win that award his senior year. Since then, he has shown me every day that he has the passion, desire, and Grive to earn that award. I am so proud of the determination James has to accomplish each goal he sets. tis for all of these reasons that I highly recommend James for any position, with full confidence that he will be highly successful in his work. He possesses so many traits that characterize a top- rate citizen and employee. Sincerely, Beat Pld Heidi Rhodes Springport Schools Visual Arts Instructor

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