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Master the energy of your

with Gurujivan Kaur Khalsa
Do you let your emotions rule your life?
Learn how to harness this powerful energy to achieve
excellence in your life. Join GuruJivan Kaur Khalsa at
her next Adelaide workshop and discover how to
master and befriend your emotions.
GuruJivan is the head Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer in
Australia and New Zealand. When first exploring yoga,
GuruJivan heard about Summer Solstice in New Mexico. Upon
arrival, GuruJivan knew that she had found home. She has
studied with Yogi Bhajan for the past 38 years. He told
GuruJivan to become a teacher and gave her a spiritual name.
Within a year she had completed a Teacher Training Course and
was sent to Hong Kong to start teaching. GuruJivan Kaur has
been teaching Kundalini yoga ever since in Asia and Australia. GuruJivan is the most
senior teacher in this part of the world, using a wealth of experience gained over
many years, to help others experience their own True Self. GuruJivan respects each
person's individuality and encourages students to pursue their own goals during

Saturday 21 February at 2pm ~ Cost $60 / $50 conc

To book call 0403 248 852. Hope you can make it.
Shop 3 / 78 Unley Road, Unley 5061 ~

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