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The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and
character traits that are believedby educators, school reformers, college professors, employers,
and othersto be critically important to success in todays world, particularly in collegiate
programs and contemporary careers and workplaces. Generally speaking, 21st century skills can
be applied in all academic subject areas, and in all educational, career, and civic settings
throughout a students life. The 21st century sills covers a few aspects such as learning and
innovation skills, information, media, technology skills and life and career skills.
According to The Glossary of Education (2014), 21st century abilities idea is roused by
the conviction that showing understudies the most applicable, valuable, popular, and generally
material aptitudes ought to be prioritized in today's schools, and by the related conviction that
numerous schools may not sufficiently prioritize such aptitudes or adequately show them to
understudies. To plan students for their future lives and vocations, they have to grapple with
genuine issues that are captivating and pertinent. With an assemblage of difficulties confronting
our groups, alongside moment network to a worldwide society, city writing proficiency couldn't
be more applicable or relevant to the curricula in our schools. Global warming, migration
change, pandemic ailments, and budgetary emergencies are simply a couple of the issues today's
understudies will be called upon to address and today's understudies must be arranged to tackle
these difficulties, stated the National Education Association.
There are a few ways to develop these 21 st century skills in students. As an example:
making the 21st century skills relevant. By making it relevant in their daily lives, students will
have the motivation to try their hardest to develop the skills. Teachers play an important role in
this part because they are the ones will have to make their students understand the importance
and the relevance of the skills in daily lives. Another way to develop these skills in students is by
encouraging them to apply these skills every day for the rest of their lives. Students need the
encouragement for them to have the motivation to learn and apply the skills. These
encouragements can be made by teachers, parents and peers. Students can be asked to apply
record these skills while hanging out with friends or family because they will spend most of their
days with them. Students mostly will learn better with peers and collaboration is one of the most
important skills in the 21st century. According to Saavedra and Opfer (2012), there are numerous

courses in which instructors can outline direction to advance learning with others, understudies
can talk about ideas in sets or gatherings and offer what they comprehend with whatever remains
of the class.


According to Justin Cloud (2010: 1), in this 21st century, people around the world have
become more connected and we do almost everything, from education to business, using the
technologies. That is why it is vital for individuals to develop skills that are needed in order to
adapt in todays world. The 20th and 21st century, has many differences in terms of the needs of
people in daily life. In exchange, as what Chris Dede stated, educational systems should
transform their objectives, curricula, pedagogies, and assessments to help all students develop
skills that required in the future (2007: 3). The way teacher teaches nowadays should also change
to meet the needs of the students nowadays. For instance, in the 20th century, teachers will just
deliver lectures while students listen and take notes. The information that students receive are
limited. They only learn to pass their exam and less likely apply it on their daily life. The World
Class Education promotes student centered learning where students participate actively in their
learning process. Other than that, students are encouraged to apply electronic devices when
learning. In a nutshell, education nowadays should provide the needs of students so that they are
able to adapt in the future. All parties are responsible in this matter and not rely on teachers only.


This questionnaire is carried out to:
Study the knowledge of 21st century skills in students nowadays.
Study how students nowadays develop the 21st century skills.
Investigate the acceptance of 21st century skills in education nowadays.


4.1 Participants
There are 165 participants in this study. The participants are mostly eighteen to twenty
years old. Most of them are first and second year students from German-Malaysian Institute and
National University of Malaysia taking various courses. Furthermore, these participants are
mostly female and single. Other than that, the participants are mainly graduates of matriculation.

4.2 Data Collection Method

In order to conduct the survey and collect the data, we have chosen to create an online
survey form using an application offered by Google Drive which was the Google Form
application. Based on the 25 questions related to the 21st Century Skills topic that we have
constructed, we decided to allocate those questions into three parts; 10 scale type questions
which were scaled from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree), 10 multiple choice type of
questions which were given the choices of Yes and No and 5 checkboxes type of question
where the respondents could choose more than one answer based on their opinions on the
The link of our Google Form survey was then attached to social medias such as Facebook
and Twitter to get responses. Apart from that, we spread the links via messengers such as
WhatsApp, Telegram and LINE.
4.3 Data Analysis
The analysis of the data received was done using Google Spreadsheet where a thorough
and descriptive analysis of the data is listed down. The graphs were all taken from the summary
given on Google Spreadsheet. Demographic information were all based on percentage to
determine information such as how many percent is male and how many percent is female.
Multiple choices questions were also analyzed based on the amount of percentage, while
checkbox questions were analyzed using a bar graph and to see which is the most and which is

the least answer chosen by the participants. At the same time, the mean for rated questions was
found and the questions were analyzed based on the mean that was obtained. Lastly, explanation
questions were analyzed according to the main ideas of the participants responses.

Figure 1.0 The top view of our survey form where we give a brief introduction on the 21 st
Century Skills topic and the general idea why we conducted the survey.

Figure 1.1 The first part of the survey where we ask the personal details of the respondents.

Figure 1.2 The first type of questions asked which is the scale type question which was ranged
from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree).

Figure 1.3 The second type of questions asked; the multiple choice questions where we give
the choices of Yes and No.

Figure 1.4 The third type of questions; the checkboxes type of questions where respondents are
given the option of giving more than one answer to the questions

The presentation will be presented in the form of demographic data.
5.1 Demographic Data

Figure 2.0 A bar chart of the number and percentage of male and female respondents
The percentage the respondents is as stated; 30% or 50 male respondents and 68% or 111 female

Figure 2.1 A bar chart stating the number and percentage of age group of the respondents.
Majority of the respondents is aged 18-20 which is equal to 143 respondents or 87% of the
amount of respondents while 8% or 13 respondents are from the 21-23, 2% from 27-29 and 1%
from 24-26 and 30 and above respectively.

Figure 2.2 A bar chart stating the number and percentage of the respondents education level.
Majority of the respondents is from the Asasi level which consists of 77 respondents or 47%
which is then followed by Diploma level with 45 respondents or 27%, SPM level with 22
respondents or 13%, STPM level with 14 respondents or 9% and A-level with 2 respondents or
1% of the total amount of respondents.

Figure 2.3 A bar chart stating the number and percentage of the respondents marital status.
Figure clearly shows that most of the respondents are single and only 4% of the total number of
respondents or 7 respondents are married. No data of respondents of widow/widower group was


Figure 3.0 A bar chart of the response to the question When I face a problem with a
Mathematics questions, I will just leave it and wait for the answer.
Based on the figure, 15 or 9% out of the total number of respondents strongly agrees that if they
face a problem with a Mathematics question, they will just leave it and wait for the answer, 28
respondents or 17% agrees with the statement while 50 or 30% of the respondents neither agrees
or disagrees with the statement. On the other hand, 39 or 24% of the respondents disagree that
they will just leave the question and just wait for the answer if they face a problem with a
Mathematics question and the remaining 18% or 30 respondents strongly disagree with the

Figure 3.1 A bar chart showing the percentage and number of respondents response to the
statement When I cant solve a certain question, I will get angry easily.
Based on figure 3.1, 13 or 18% of the respondents strongly agrees that they get upset easily when
they cant seem to solve a certain question, 20% or 33 other respondents also agrees on the
statement while 54 or 33% of the respondents neither agrees or disagrees on the matter. In
contrast, 41 or 25% out of the total amount of respondents disagree that they get angry when they
cant solve a certain question and 13% or the remaining 21 respondents strongly on the

Figure 3.2 A bar chart showing the percentage and number of respondents response to the
statement I like to share my thoughts with my friends.
Based on the figure above, 42 respondents or 26% of the respondents strongly agrees on the
statement which mentioned that they like to share their thoughts with their friends, another 26%
or 43 respondents agree on the matter while 46 respondents which is equal to 28% of the total
respondents are neutral towards the statement. Up to 13% or 22 respondents disagree on the
statement and the remaining 5% or 8 respondents strongly disagree on the issue.

Figure 3.3 A bar chart showing the respondents response to the statement I am scared to speak
in front of the class.
Based on figure 3.3, 23 out of the total respondents which equal to 14% of the respondents
strongly agrees that they are scared to speak in front of the class, 30 others or 18% of the
respondents also agrees on the subject whereas 30% or 49 respondents neither agree or disagree
on the matter. On the other hand, 37 respondents which equal to 23% of the respondents disagree
that they are scared to speak in front of the class while 23 other respondents or 14% of the
respondents strongly disagree on the statement.

Figure 3.4 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of response to the statement I do not
like to be told to do a task instead I like to guide and participate.
Based on the figure above, 20 respondents or 12% of the total respondents strongly agrees on the
statement as another 37 respondents or 23% of the respondents also agrees on the matter whereas
66 respondents or 40% of the respondents is neutral towards the statement. In contrast, 26
respondents which equal to 16% of the total amount of respondents disagreed that they like to
guide and participate more than being told whereas the remaining 13 respondents or 8% of the
respondents strongly disagrees on the statement.

Figure 3.5 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of response to the statement I use
the internet most of the time.
Based on the figure, it is clearly shown that majority of the respondents where 78 respondents or
48% of the respondents strongly agrees that they use the internet most of the time, another 27
respondents or 16% of the respondents also agrees on the statement while 24 respondents or 15%
of the respondents neither agrees or disagrees on the issue. On the other hand, 20 respondents or
12% of the total amount of respondents disagree that they use the internet most of the time and
the remaining 13 respondents which equal to 8% of the total respondents strongly disagrees on
the subject.

Figure 3.6 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of response to the statement I am
capable of using the computer and internet when Im doing my homework.
Based on figure 3.6, the obvious data taken is that majority of the respondents; 68 respondents or
41% of the respondents agrees that they are capable of using the computer and internet when
they are doing their work and assignments. 36 respondents or 22% of the respondents also agrees
with the statement. 15% of the respondents or 25 respondents are neutral on the issue. On the
other hand, 19 respondents which equal to 12% disagree on the matter and followed by 14
respondents or 9% who strongly disagrees.

Figure 3.7 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of response to the statement
Education nowadays is not the same as last time.
Based on figure 3.7, the noticeable data taken is that most of the respondents which were 68
respondents or 40% of the respondents agree that education nowadays has changed than before.
35 respondents or 21% of the respondents also agrees with the statement. 21% of the respondents
or 34 respondents are neutral on the issue. On the other hand, 19 respondents which equal to
12% disagree on the matter and followed by 8 respondents or 5% who strongly disagrees on the

Figure 3.8 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of response to the statement
Educators should improve themselves not just in terms of knowledge but also their soft skills.
Based on the figure, it is clearly shown that more than half of the total respondents where 86
respondents or 52% of the respondents strongly agrees that educators should improve their soft
skills as well as their knowledge, another 28 respondents or 17% of the respondents also agrees
on the statement while 17 respondents or 10% of the respondents neither agrees or disagrees on
the issue. On the other hand, 23 respondents or 14% of the total amount of respondents disagree
that educators should improve themselves not just in terms of knowledge but also their soft skills
and the remaining 6 respondents which equal to 4% of the total respondents strongly disagrees
on the subject.

Figure 3.9 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of response to the statement If I
have to be in a new place, I will be able to adapt to the changes fast.
Based on figure 3.9, 31 out of the total respondents which equal to 19% of the respondents
strongly agrees that they are able to adapt to changes fast if they have to be in a new place, 41
others or 25% of the respondents also agrees on the subject whereas 43% or 70 respondents
neither agree or disagree on the matter. On the other hand, 14 respondents which equal to 9% of
the respondents disagree that they are able to adapt to changes fast if they need to be in a new
place while 5 other respondents or 3% of the respondents strongly disagree on the statement.

Multiple Choice Questions

Figure 4.0 A pie chart showing the number and percentage of responses toward the statement
When I experience something new, I like to question why it happens.
Based on the pie chart more than half of the respondents or 146 respondents which took 88% of
the total amount of respondents agrees that they like to question why a certain thing happens if
they have to experience something new while another 10% of the respondents or 16 respondents
disagree to the statement.

Figure 4.1 A pie chart showing the percentage and number of responses to the statement Before
completing a task, I will first understand what the question wants.
Based on the chart above, a total of 156 or 94% of the respondents agrees to the statement while
6 respondents or 4% of the total respondents disagree that they will try to understand the need of
a question before completing a task.

Figure 3.2 A pie chart showing the percentage and number of responses toward the statement I
enjoy being friends and work with people of different backgrounds.
Based on the pie chart 153 respondents or 92% of the total amount of respondents agrees that
they like to be friend and work with diverse group of people while another 5% of the respondents
or 9 respondents disagree to the statement.

Figure 3.3 A pie chart showing the percentage and number of responses toward the statement
When I am speaking in front of people, I feel nervous and my hands start to get shaky.
Based on the chart above, a total of 99 respondents or 60% of the respondents agrees to the
statement while 63 respondents or 38% of the total respondents disagree that they feel nervous
when they have to talk in front of people.

Figure 3.4 A pie chart showing the percentage and number of responses toward the statement
Students should be allowed to use their electronic gadgets and internet in class.
Based on the pie chart more than half of the respondents or 135 respondents which took 81% of
the total amount of respondents agrees to the statement that students should be allowed to use
their electronic device and internet in class while another 16% of the respondents or 27
respondents disagree to the statement.

Figure 3.5 A pie chart showing the percentage and number of responses toward the statement I
will do things based on my feelings without thinking in depth about the consequences.
Based on the chart above, a total of 56 respondents or 34% of the respondents agree to the
statement while 105 respondents or 63% of the total respondents disagree that they do things
based on their emotion without thinking about the later consequences.

Figure 3.6 A pie chart showing the percentage and number of responses toward the statement
When I face difficulties in a certain thing, I will give up and continue with other things.
Based on the pie chart less than half of the respondents or 57 respondents which took 34% of
the total amount of respondents agree that when they face difficulties while doing something,
they will just give up on the matter while another 63% of the respondents or 105 respondents
disagree to the statement.

Figure 3.7 A pie chart showing the percentage and the number of responses toward the statement
I think both individuals and group works are important.
Based on the pie chart more than half of the respondents or 154 respondents which took 93% of
the total amount of respondents agrees to the statement that both individual and group tasks are
important while another 4% of the respondents or 7 respondents disagree to the statement.

Figure 3.8 A pie chart showing the percentage and number of responses toward the statement I
use the Internet to search for related topics to my studies.
Based on the pie chart majority of the or 156 respondents which took 94% of the total amount of
respondents agree that when they use the Internet to search for topics related to their studies
while only 4% of the respondents or 6 respondents disagree to the statement.

Figure 3.9 A pie chart showing the percentage and number of responses toward the statement I
think education is not just about studying but also developing skills that we need in the future.
A huge amount of respondents agree on the statement where 153 respondents or 92% says that
they think education is more than just studying instead it is also a development of skills for
future needs. Another 5% or 8 respondents disagree on this matter.



Figure 4.0 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of responses toward the statement If
I am a leader, I will..
Based on the above diagram, 85 respondents or 51% of the respondents say that if they become a
leader they expect their team member to always be punctual while the second statement tolerate
with relevant changes receives 69% responses which equal to 115 respondents. 129 respondents
or 78% agrees on the statement that if they are leaders, they will be easy to work with. A total of
8% or 13 respondents say that they will not allow their team members to joke around while
working if they were the group leaders.

Figure 4.1 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of responses toward the statement If
I have to work in groups, I..
Based on the bar chart, a total of 133 respondents or 80% agrees that if they have to work in
groups, they prefer working with people that they know. Another 69 responses or 42% say that
they prefer to work with new people. 16 responses or 10% of them agree that they will look for
reasons to not work in groups while another 5 respondents or 3% say that they will not
participate in group discussions.

Figure 4.2 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of responses toward the statement I
am a person who..
Based on the above diagram, 118 respondents or 71% of the respondents say that they love to
guide others while the second statement prefer following others instruction receives 44%
responses which equal to 73 respondents. 45 respondents or 27% agrees on the statement that
they love to keep their thoughts to themselves.

Figure 4.3 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of the responses toward the statement
When I face a certain difficulties, I will..
Based on the bar chart, a total of 15 respondents or 9% agrees that if they face difficulties, they
will be disappointed and just give up on the work. Another 129 responses or 78% say that they
prefer will motivate themselves to carry on with the task. 27 responses or 16% of them agree that
they will be sad and depressed while another 127 respondents or 77% say that they will ask help
and guidance from others.

Figure 4.4 A bar chart showing the number and percentage of responses toward the statement
When I am learning a new topic, I prefer to..
Based on the bar chart, a total of 126 respondents or 76% agrees that if they prefer to listen to
lectures if they learn a new topic. Another 104 responses or 63% say that they prefer search
online for information. 73 responses or 44% of them agree that they will look for information in
books while another 85 respondents or 51% say that they prefer to work in group and discuss on
the new topic.


The revelation of the findings shows that most of the respondents are mostly female.
Since the questionnaire was spread about via social networking medias, among our own circles
of friends, majority of the respondents are students from various levels of education. The
students, majority from the age of 18 to 20 years old, and are single.
The 21st skills are vital. Since the world is rapidly changing, each human being is getting
more and more connected to the technology provided. The adaptation of these skills are crucial,
hence the knowledge of 21st century must have exposure. Thus, having young students to react
to this survey has a positive impact on the findings. For instance, when asked about the
respondents computer and internet usage, the study shows that these young respondents are
capable of using both the computer, and the internet. Most of them, agree to the concept of
BYOD, which is bring your own device to class as they support mobile and e-learning. This
pattern of result may be the result of the age range, as these participants grew amidst the rapid
use of technology.
Based on the study, the participants have a slight knowledge about the 21st century,
however not all are aware the importance of having these skills. Some individuals are still
growing and expanding their skills throughout daily lives. The study reveals that most
respondents still need to acquire critical thinking skills and learn how to solve critical problems,
rather than to give up easily and getting upset about the unsolved problem. Apart from that,
participants need to boost up the confidence level, to talk in public for instance. As a community
which rely on technology most of the time, these participants might have been too attached to the
modern ways.
Furthermore, this study that we have carried out has opened up some mind and shared
thoughts about the education system. A big part of the respondents agree that education is not
only for studying but also acquiring skills we need in life. Most of the participants agree that
time has slightly tweaked the education system, and to adapt with the revolutionary changes,
educators need to cope and prepare themselves with most up-to-date skills. Being the future of
the world, the participants agree that they themselves are able to adapt to the fast changes of the

Apart from that, we also managed to determine how some participants retrieve their 21st
century skills. The summary of our research has shown how they acquired their skills. All data
and information are translated into demographic information for better summarization. The
participants are curious which fits their age description as students. They like to question and
seek to understand the hows and whys before executing anything. The participants seem to
enjoy a colourful community, diverse backgrounds which explain how the 21 st century skills they
had acquired.
Furthermore, through this survey, we manage to find out how the students nowadays
accept and apply their skills in daily lives. The application of these skills helps students to strive
for better life qualities and to become more successful in the future. The participants revealed
their leadership skills, and how they manage their communication during group works. Most of
the participants show that they are tolerable; however they are not ready to socialize with new
In the end, with this survey was a bit biased because all the most responses that we had
received was from a specific age range, although it is more reasonable to work with young
minds, to find out what their opinions on 21st century skills. All in all, the 21st century skills are
crucial, and have a great impact on the education system.


To conclude, what we got from the survey was the types of 21st century skills the
participants possess and how the skills are applied in daily lives. 21 st century skills are important
nowadays to succeed in todays world. The 21st century skills includes the ability to think
critically, solve problems, creative, innovative, good in communicating and collaborating with
others. The skills mentioned are important for every student or everyone to adapt because living
today has become difficult due to the global warming, migration change, pandemic ailments, and
budgetary emergencies as examples. In order to adopt those skills, it can be learnt and developed.
In a nutshell, the 21st century skills are very important and we should always learn how to
develop all of the skills and apply them in daily lives.

Justin Cloud. 2010. Technology and Language Arts Classroom: 1
Chris Dede. 2007. Transforming Education for the 21st Century: New Pedagogies that Help
All Students Attain Sophisticated Learning Outcomes: 3

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