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Istigfar (seeking forgiveness) is like cleaning the heart ( taking a bath), and

the salawat is like ( polishing the heart) putting on perfume.

We don't put perfume before the bath , so do the Istigfar first.
If you give someone a gift, they naturally have a soft spot for that person,
durood is a gift.
Allah loves his messenger and sends durood upon him, sallallahu alaihe
Whoever sends 100 salawat, Allah writes for him, that he is free from
hypocrisy, and free from the fire.
Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasalam said, "on the day of judgement, the
closest to me will be that person who has sent on me the most salawat."
There will be 7 or 8 types of intercession that rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe
wasalam will do for his ummah, and the first one will be the greatest
intercession, because of his intercession ( sallallahu alaihe wasalam) Allah
will start the judgement.
Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasalam said " whoever sends salawat on me 10
times in the morning and 10 times in the evening, on the day of judgement,
my shifa' ( intercession) will reach him"
Salawat is a powerful dhikr.
Aiy Ishkay nabee meray dil may be samajana.
Mujko be Muhammad ( sallallahu alaihe wasalam) ka dewaana banaajana.

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