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Baby Hoodie

This is the other pattern I submitted to the 2009 Knitting Pattern a day calender (again, haven't heard if
it's been accepted). I made it for my youth pastors' baby, Elijah. They took some pictures for me with
Elijah as the model, but they didn't turn out very good... and the others I took aren't much better, so I'm
afraid it might not get accepted because of them. The sweater turned out the way I wanted it to, though; I
had to rip parts of it out a few times(who knew babies had such huge heads?), but the end result was
worth it. I used Knitpicks Crayon so it would be machine washable; I really like the softness and knitted
fabric, but it split rather easily. Anyway, here's the not-very-good pictures (except for the ones with Elijah,
I just looked and I can't find them....), and the pattern:
Yarn: KnitPicks Crayon (100% Pima Cotton, 50g/128 yds), 3 skeins Green
Gauge: 5 sts=1" on size 6 needles in st st
Cast on 48 sts. Knit 2x2 ribbing (k2,p2) for 1," ending on a RS row. Knit in st st until 6 1/2." Bind off 2 sts
at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Dec 1 st at the beg & end of the next 2 RS rows (ssk, then k2tog). **
Continue in st st until 9." Inc 1 ea. side every RS row for 8 rows. After 4 rows, place middle 30 sts on scrap
yarn. Join another skein of yarn. Complete rows and then BO if piece is 10." If not, knit rows until 10" and

Knit as for back until **. Continue in st st until 8 1/2." BO middle 12 sts (k12, bo12, k12). Join another
skein of yarn. Purl next row. Dec 2 sts ea. next edge each RS row 5 times (k2tog, ssk). BO if 10," or knit
until 10," then bind off.
Sleeves (make 2)
Cast on 28 sts. Knit 2x2 ribbing for 1," ending on RS row. In st st, inc 1 st ea. side 9th (RS) row, then 10th
row 3 times. Knit 1 row. For the next 12 rows, dec 1 ea. side every RS row (ssk, then k2tog). Dec 2 ea. side
for the next 2 rows. BO 5 at the beg of the next 2 rows, then BO rem sts.
Join shoulder seams, then sew sleeves to body. Next, sew sleeve and side seams.
Cast on 28 sts. Dec 1 ea. side (ssk, k2tog) 5th row, then every 6th row twice. K1 row, then BO. Sew to front
of sweater, first at the top, then 1/2" at the bottom of the sides, then base.
Place sts on yarn on back on dpn. Pick up 3 ea. side to shoulder seams. Pick up 12 sts ea. side, overlapping
last few sts (60 sts). Divide evenly on 3 dpns. K2 rows st st, *k10, m1* 5x then k10. *K8, m1* 7x, then k9. K
until 7 1/2." Divide half of the sts on 1 dpn and the other half on another needle. Do 3 needle bind off.
Weave in all ends.

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