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Close-up shot

This shot shows us a

broken door with a
man looking crazed
looking in. this could
possibly be about a
serial killer.

Extreme Close-up
shot shows us an
extreme close up of a
girls face. She looks
distressed and
frightened. The use of
the dark background
gives us fear of the
unknown. She could
possibly be about to
get murdered.

Eye Level shot

This shot shows us two

girls standing grinning
evilly at the camera.
This could mean that
they are the
antagonists of the
Low angle
This shot shows us a
masked man looking
downstairs with a
knife. This is a
threatening image as
it shows that he ism in
power of the situation.
This suggests that this
is a slasher film.

High angle
This shot looks down
on a boy playing with
his toys. The shot
gives us an idea that
something is
watching him from up

Oblique angle

This shot shows us a

woman looking at
someone/something in
fear. She has blood on
her face which
suggests that she is
being attacked. The
tilted angle in which
this is shot could
P.O.V shot
This shot shows a
room in complete
darkness. We see this
through the
antagonists eyes
which inflicts fear on
the audience because
he is in power. We also
get a clear picture of
how scared the
woman is.

Keep this loose in your book,

you may need to keep it and

Cinematography: Lengths and Angles

This shot shows us a woman looking
up with a look of fear and confusion on
her face. She is standing besides the
stairs so this shows there could be
something up there. The darkness in
the picture shows that there must be a
dark presence in the house.

Long shot

This shot shows us an

old rundown house
with a child looking up
at a window. This
could be because she
can see an evil spirit
in the house.

Extreme Long
shot shows a man
standing at the end of a long
dark corridor. This makes us
think that he is looking for
something, being chased or is
chasing someone else. Long
corridors are often used to
This shot shows us a
girl lying in bed with a
sinister figure leaning
over her and an eerie
child hunched at the
bottom of her bed. The
use of dark colours
represents fear of the

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