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Cardboard House Start with 3 large boxes. Cut the seam where the edges are joined together and lay the boxes flat, like this: The drawing of each box is marked to show where to cut, fold, and reinforce with tape See the key below to determine what the lines mean — _ cut Pre-scored fold (Do not bend!) Fold [ees Reinforce with tape Follow the directions to assemble the house, then decorate however you wish! March 2012 1. Lay box flat to cut out the door and windows. Make sure to only cut the door on three sides; fold it along the forth side so it can open and close. 2. To make windows with shutters, cuta straight line across the top and bottom (and down the middle if needed), and fold open along the uncut edge 3. Remove the two top flaps above the sides. (Save them to reinforce fost the side walls later.) 4, Reinforce any cut/weak areas with tape. 5. Fold the sides back along the pre-scored fold. 6. Fold the top front flaps down and tape to the top edge of the side panels as shown. 7. Repeat steps 2 thru 6 on the back of the house. bacle N ul N | | 5 | || ie (oo | | | ,r~—s——Ss—S—Ssi‘SC?CsCSCCG 8. (Optional) Use painter's tape to mark off an area for the chalkboard. Paint with 2-3 coats of chalkboard paint and let dry. (This can also be done once the house is fully assembled.) 9. Join the front to the back by slightly overlapping the sides and taping all the way around, going through the window to wrap the tape around the edges. a 10. If needed, reinforce side walls, just below the windows, with the flaps removed in step 3 font removed ns bacle __ took Lor 13 12 4 cok Ader +o ft 4 11. Cut the last box in half, reserving one side for the roof and the other for the floor. 12. Trim the floor to fit and attach to the bottom edges of the walls with tape —_— 1 13. Fold down one set of flaps on the roof, keeping the other set unbent, 14. Attach the flat side to the front of the house with tape, and fold the flaps down on the back, taping them to the back edge of the house. 15. Use cut pieces of cardboard to help support the roof on the sides. 16. Decorate however you wish!

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