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Quarter 2 Journals

Journal 2-11 Pick one of the memories from your identity folder. Explain the
memory and why you picked it to go in the folder. Why is it important and how does
it begin to describe your identity?
Journal 2-12 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Journal 2-13 Take a Stand: Should uniforms be required in schools?
Journal 2-14 I really should stop


Journal 2-15 - What was the best part of your winter break?
Journal 2-16 - Respond to this quote, Obstacles are what you see when you take
your eyes off the goal.
Journal 2-17 - Should the laws in America be applied exactly the same to everyone?
When is it OK to have different laws?
Journal 2-18 What do you know about the terror attacks in Paris, France?
Journal 2-19 - How would your education be different if you went to a segregated
Journal 2-20 - MLK had a Dream. What is your Dream?
Journal 2-21 - If you could tell anyone anything without fear of any problems or
consequences, what would you say? Why?
Journal 2-22 - If you could spend a day with anyone, dead or Alive, who would it be?
Why? What would you do and talk about?
Journal 2-23 - Grade your journals since the last time that I checked on a 1-10 scale.
Star 2 for me to read.
When giving yourself the grade think about:
Are they all there?
Are they organized?
Are they all 5 sentences?
Do they demonstrate depth of thought?

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