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Books on economics for serious beginners

Herbert Gintis
February 2013
People often ask me what to read to learn the type of basic economic theory that is taught in
university graduate and undergraduate courses. This is somewhat difficult because most writers
for the general public have some sort of political axe to grind and present a one-sided version of
the theory, or a complete alternative to the theory. I have nothing against such writers, but I will
always suggest that readers also/instead of/before reading these political pleadings, find out what
the general received wisdom is.
It may seem that there is no received wisdom that is shared by most economists, but this is not
the case. Except in the area of macroeconomic policy, there are few disagreements. In the
macroeconomic area, the standard models are pretty awful, but economic policy types have
deeper problems: general models can show you the general direction of effects, but when there
are offsetting directions, only quantitative evidence can supply a credible answer. For instance,
increasing government expenditure to lower the unemployment rate may be offset by the effects
of government debt on interest, inflation, and growth rates. Only careful attention to details can
determine the net effect of the policy, and even this is subject to significant error. However, you
cannot even begin to assess economic policy seriously unless you know basic economic theory.
The books reviewed here are basic starting points for gaining a facility in economic theory.
Alternatively, you can simply buy one of the leading undergraduate textbooks and plow through
it. The textbook will be more demanding, very fat, and quite expensive. Before doing this, I
advise that you tackle one or more of the above volumes. They are all quite good, and it wouldnt
hurt to read them all. But, here are my impressions.

Charles Wheelan, Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science (W.W.

Norton, 2010)
Wheelan explains the benefits and limitations of markets, the benefits and limitations of
government interventions, the basics of finance (especially, how to avoid the costly errors that
about 50% of investors are prone to make, such as believing they can pick winners), and the role
of international competition. There is nothing that Wheelan asserts that I think is not 100%
correct, including his exposition of development economics and globalization. Highly

Sean Flynn, Economics For Dummies (Wiley, 2011)

Economics for Dummies is the most sophisticated of the three books and covers extremely
important material left out of the others. This includes an analysis of property right, market
externality, public goods, asymmetric information, and other absolutely fundamental aspects of

modern economic theory, which is really the theory of the interaction between markets and
macroeconomic regulation for efficiency and stability. It rather weak on national income
accounting (none of the books is strong in this very difficult area), and it does no general
equilibrium analysis (e.g., the very instructive Edgeworth box is missing). Finally, the book
rather slights statistical information on the economy and gives little historical perspective.

Tom Gorman, The Complete Idiots Guide to Economics (Penguin, 2003)

The Complete Idiots Guide to Economics is a little out of date (2003), and is especially
concerned with regulatory policy in dealing with volatile economies. It has lots of interesting
statistics, and gives a detailed explanation of the Federal Reserve and its operation. It is similarly
strong on analyzing international trade and exchange rates. Read this after Economics for

Steve Slavin, Economics: A Self-Teaching Guide (Wiley, 1999)

Economics: A Self-Teaching Guide cannot deal with recent economic issues because it was
published in 1999, but it is well worth reading. It is especially strong on economic history and it
presents in some detain the various schools of thought in macroeconomic theory. It also does
considerable national income accounting, which I consider a prerequisite to understanding
current economic issues. Its microeconomics sections are rather brief. It is certainly not a
substitute for Economics for Dummies.
If readers have comments and/or suggestions of these or other candidates for learning basic
economic theory, please pass them on to me at

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