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Period 5
October 30 2014

Evidence of the Preamble and how it is used today

Justice, Defense, and Welfare still have an amazing and very important effect on modern
day america. on september 11th 2001 two american planes were hijacked and flown into the
twin towers. the preamble still has an enduring impact, the ideals of justice, defense, and
welfare are still evident in the events after september 11th.
the overall meaning of the preamble is to summarize the constitution to encourage
americans to read the entire document. according to my history textbook the preambles purpose
was to take over the articles of confederation. the articles of confederation wasnt protecting the
peoples liberty, it wasnt doing anything to provide for the common defense and causing major
problems with trade. the preamble was written to accomplish and solve the problems the articles
of confederation was causing.
the preamble is an extended sentence that states the promises of the constitution. but
what do these lines mean? we the people of the united states means all of the u.s. citizens.
in order to form a more perfect union means to make a functional and ideal government.
establish justice means no criminal activity and make sure that everyone is tried fairly. insure
domestic tranquility means to provide peace and keep peace between the states. provide for
the common defense means to make sure that protection is given to everyone. promote the
general welfare means to be able to collect taxes for the military. and secure the blessings of
liberty to ourselves and our posterity means to make sure freedom is continues over our

children and all generations to come. and finally do ordain and establish this constitution for the
united states of america means to ratify the constitution.
the preamble came into play when the unfortunate event of september 11th
happened. when 2 of the united states planes were crashed into the twin towers they had to call
our first responders such as firefighters, ambulances, paramedics, police officers, and many
volunteers. after september 11th america had to make our airports the words of the
preable they were trying to make airports safer to please the common people.

airport safety is one step they took to help to to protect the the common people.
for example passengers need to be searched for bombs as well as other weapons. passengers
luggage also needs to be searched. they introduced metal detectors to the airport security

systems. everyone has to have photo I.D that has to be able to be checked at anytime. before
september 11th you could be at the gates to pick up a loved one but after the attacks you have
to meet a loved one elsewhere you can no longer meet them directly at the gates. you can no
longer carry even a pocket knife with you on plane.

military advancements was another step taken to improve americas security

systems. after september 11th soldiers begun to get paid to fight in wars. american
citizens gave the military more money for research and development. we gave the
military more money to form a stronger funding group to supply them with better
weapons in other words we were promoting the general welfare and providing for the
common defense

after september 11th we started to take these from the preamble into deeper thought
and consideration.the lines promoting the general welfare and provide for the common

defense have helped shape americas new security systems. it also helped us realize we need
to do more to provide for the military and give them money for necessary advancements.
as you can see the preamble has an enduring impact on america. justice, defense, and welfare
have been evident and proven evident in the events of september 11th.

Works Cited
"The Evolution of Airline Security Since 9/11 - International Foundation for Protection Officers."
International Foundation for Protection Officers. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
"Homeland Security." Preventing Terrorism and Enhancing Security. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.

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