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Ten commandments.

1. No other God
The first commandment focus on the object of worship, the only one whom we should
worship. However, one of the contemporary ideas is that there is only one God, but called
in different ways through history and societies (such as Allah, Marduk, Wiracocha,
Yahveh, etc.). This idea is contrary to the bible (1 Cor. 8:6). We need to understand that
there is only one God, and is the God of the Holy Bible.
Another implication for today is do not have faith in anything else but in the one truly
God. This means do not put our trust in other things such as sorcerer, wizard, and
charmer and so on. We must deny that false religions are a source of supernatural
guidance, particularly knowledge of the future.1 And believe on the word of God as our
only supernatural source of knowledge.
In my opinion one of the best applications of this commandments for today is from A. W.
Tozer. He said Wrong ideas about God are not only the fountain from which the polluted
waters of idolatry flow; they are themselves idolatrous. The idolater simply imagines
things about God and acts as if they were true. We have to be careful to have a truth
knowledge of God, our object of worship. Otherwise, we can easily fall in idolatry
unconsciously. This happened in the church today, where many Christians, church
leaders, or even pastors have a wrong idea of whom is God, and create their God in base
of their assumptions, or human ideas of how should be or should not God.
Also we have to notice that this commandment as well as the other nine do not have an
explicit mention of the importance of the love, which is the base of the summary of all
the law as Jesus said. However, Frame mention that the law of love is implicit in the first
commandment.2 And love is itself a summary of the law, sufficient to define good
behavior This view, which I am agree with because our love to God is based in do not
have anyone else in his place and vice versa, suggest the validity of the first
commandment today in a more clear mean for the actual society, but with the same aim.
2. No graven image
This commandment is definitively related to the first one in a very explicit and narrow
way. As Frame says the two commandments imply one another. This is because the
first one tell as to worship only the truth God and no one else, no other gods, and the
second commandment prohibit worshiping any god by means of an idol. In other words,
worship created things rather than the Creator (Rom. 1:25). Considering this, the
second commandment is relevant to all aspects of life as well as the first commandment.
1 Pg. 427
2 Pg. 386


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