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While Being the only Half Giant raised in an orphanage in a desert

town,always an outcast never truely trusted. Even under those

circumstances RothGar was a gentle and caring child. Soon after his
13th birthday tiamat's song was heard. She sung out to RothGar
convincing him to slaughter the weak and liberate the strong from the
bonds of illusion of family. So at age 16 RothGar and the person only
other person he truely considered family another orphan decided to
inact their master plan. Late in the night they split up and captured the
adults and children while they slept in bed killing all those that
resisted. They forced the the older kids of the family's they held
hostage to fight to the death promising to release the winners and
their parents. After the battles the winners of each fight was locked up.
Durning that time RothGar and his brother killed the parents and
younger siblings even the babes. They then comensed to cut them up
and cook them, they then gathered the winners and made them eat
the feast they had just cooked. After the meal when everyone fell
asleep RothGar and his brother left the village and then split up
following the comands that their lord tiamat issued them.

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