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Knitting needles 5.

Creative cotton or double thread Catania
Cable needle

Cast on 6 stitches,
Rnd 1: knit 6
Rnd 2: purl 6
Rnd 3: knit 1, c4b, knit 1
Rnd 4: purl 6
Repeat rnd 1-4 until you reach the desired length. Sew
the ends together and your bracelet is done!


Cast on 8 stitches,
Rnd 1: knit 8
Rnd 2: purl 8
Rnd 3: knit 1, c6f, knit 1
Rnd 4: purl 8
Rnd 5: knit 8
Rnd 6: purl 8


Repeat rnd 1-6 until you reach the desired length. Sew
the ends together, your bracelet is done!


Cast on 10 stitches,
Rnd 1: knit 10
Rnd 2: purl 10
Rnd 3: knit 1, c4f, c4b, knit 1
Rnd 4: purl 10
Rnd 5: knit 10
Rnd 6: purl 10
Rnd 7: knit 1, c4b, c4f, knit 1
Rnd 8: purl 10
Repeat rnd 1-8 until you reach the desired length. Sew
together and your bracelet is done!

Cast on 11 stitches,
Rnd 1: knit 11
Rnd 2: purl 11
Rnd 3: knit 1, c6f, knit 4
Rnd 4: purl 11
Rnd 5: knit 11
Rnd 6: purl 11
Rnd 7: knit 4, c6b, knit 1
Rnd 8: purl 11
Repeat rnd 1-8 until you reach the desired length.
Sew ends together and your bracelet is done!

Cable 4 front: Put 2 stitches

on the cable needle, keep
in front of work, knit the
next 2 stitches, knit the 2
stitches from cable needle.
Cable 4 back: Put 2 stitches
on the cable needle, keep at
back of work, knit the next
2 stitches, knit the 2
stitches from cable needle.
Cable 6 front: Put 3 stitches
on the cable needle, keep in
front of work, knit the next
3 stitches, knit the 3
stitches from cable needle.
Cable 6 back: Put 3 stitches
on the cable needle, keep at
back of work, knit the next
3 stitches, knit the 3
stitches from cable needle.

Note: the prettiest way to

close your bracelet is to pick
up the stitches you used for
casting on and place them on
your other needle, now sew
them together using the
kitchener stitch. If you dont
know this stitch, please search
Youtube for kitchener stitch
or grafting to create a near
invisible seam!

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