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MANY countable nouns (books, people, photographs, languages, mistakes, cars )

EXAMPLES: You have many books.
We dont know many people.
A: How many photographs did you take?
B: Not many.

MUCH - uncountable nouns (food, luggage, money, sugar, bread, water )

EXAMPLES: I eat much food.
We have much luggage.
A: How much money do you want?
B: Not much.

1) Put in much or many:
a) You buy ______________ food.
b) There arent ____________ hotels in this town.
c) We didnt find _____________ petrol.
d) Are there _____________ people on the train?
e) ______________ students fail the examination.
f) Paula has ______________ money.
g) I know George for _____________ years.

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