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Cheklist Right Cardiac Insufficiency:

*Dilation of the inferior vena cava to > 2.0 cm(2.5 cm in trained athletes)
*Dilated hepatic vein > 6 mm in the hepatic periphery
*Absent caval collapse with forced inspiration
*Possible pleural effusion , initially almost always on the right
Checklist Aortic Aneurysm:
Normal lumen:
Ectasia :
Risk of rupture increased by:

suprarenal<2.5 cm
2.5-3.0 cm
> 3 cm
progressing dilation
diameter > 6 cm
excentric lumen
saccular dilation (instead of fusiform dilation)

Checklist Portal Hypertension

*Demonstration of portocaval collaterals at the porta hepatis
*Diameter of the portal vein at the porta hepatis > 15 mm
*Dilatation of the splenic vein > 1.2 cm
*Demonstration of ascites
*Recanalized umbilical vein ( Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome )
*Esophageal varices (by endoscopy)
Checklist of Criteria for Establishing a Cyst:
* Spherical configuration
* Echo-free interior
* Smooth outline
* Distal acoustic enhancement
* Sharply defined Distal wall
* Edge shadowing due to critical angle Phenomenon
Checklist of Criteria for Establishing Hepatic Cirrhosis :
* Absence of thin, hyperechoic capsular line
* Paucity of peripheral hepatic vessels
* Obtuse angulation of the hepatic veins > 45
* Accentuated echogenic wall of the portal vein
* Abrupt caliber changes of the branches of the portal vein
* Regenerating nodules with displacement of the adjacent vessels
* Nodular liver contour (advanced stage only)
* Contracted liver (advanced stage only)
* Signs of portal hypertension
Refrence: Ultra sound Teaching Manua 2005, Author : Matthias Hofer , Published by Thieme

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