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My name is __________________. I live at _____________________________.

Im coming to you today because Id like to make sure my privacy is being protected by this
city/county. Lots of us have seen violations of our privacy by the NSA and other Federal
agencies, but I want to make sure our rights are being protected here at home.
Local police around the nation have recently started using warrantless surveillance equipment
on their own citizens, such as:
The RANGE-R. The RANGE-R is a radar detector that can see through walls to detect people
and movement on the other side1.
International Mobile Subscriber Identity Catcher devices, such as the Stingray, which act like
cell towers. Since IMSI Catchers put out a signal like a cell tower, cell phones in the area will
connect to it and it can gather all the information from any phone call in the area2.
And other devices, from license plate catchers to intelli lights, which invade our privacy and
violate our 4th Amendment rights.
I dont know if this police department has them, as even civil liberties organizations have been
unable to find out who uses these devices and where they are being used3. These devices are
used without warrants, and without releasing the details of their use4.
There are legitimate reasons to use devices like these, just as there are legitimate uses for
security cameras.There are legitimate reasons to search homes, to search cell phones, and to
search computers. But not without a warrant, the guarantee that each of us is given due process
before having our personal lives spread to anyone and everyone.
An organization, Project Digital Privacy, is helping me out, and they have drafted a
resolution/ordinance, as well as plans and details to train our officers on the importance of
their citizens privacy and where the lines are.
I want to make sure that mine, and my familys/friends/communitys, privacy is protected. If
our police are using these devices without warrants, that needs to change because weve been
violated without our knowledge. If they are not, we need to make sure this growing trend doesnt
reach our community and that we are able to keep our citizens safe and free without putting

them in glass houses. I have a copy of the resolution draft for you to review, and Id love to
talk with you more afterward. Thank you for your time.

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