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ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)

Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

Clustering In Data Mining : A Brief Review

Meenu Sharma
Mtech scholar,
Department of computer science,SD Bansal college of tehnology ,Indore.

Data analysis plays an important role in understanding various phenomena.Clustering has
got a significance attention in data analysis,image recognition,control process,data
management,data mining etc. Due a enormous increment in the assets of computer and
communication technology.Cluster analysis aims at identifying groups of similar objects
and, therefore helps to discover distribution of patterns and interesting correlations in
large datasets.This review paper acts as a catalyst in the initial study of the various
researchers who directly or indirectly deals with clustering in their research work.In this
paper,a comprehensive study of clustering is done along with its all techniques and a
simple comparison of them,so that it is easy for someone to pick a specific method as per
suitable to the working environment.

Cluster analysis is a technique which discovers the substructure of a data set by dividing
it into several clusters.The term clustering is used in several research communities to
describe methods for grouping of unlabeled data[1]. It is a useful and basic tool for data
analysis in which similar item are bunched into one partition and likewise different items
are clubbed in different parts/partition[2].Clustering is also a firmamental operation in data
mining.Data mining is the process of analyzing a specific data from various perspectives
and then concluding it into a value added information.The steps involves in data mining is
depicted in fig.1.


ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

Data mining involves the anomaly detection, association rule learning, classification,
regression, summarization and clustering.In this paper, clustering,a integral step of data
mining is analysis as per the past research work done on it.In data mining the data is mined
using two learning approaches i.e. supervised learning or unsupervised clustering[3].In
supervised learning,the correct result are known and are given to the model during the
training process.This methods is accurate and fast as compared to unsupervised learning
techniques.Some examples of this methods are neural network,multilayer
perception,decision trees etc.However,in the unsupervised learning,the model is not
provided with the correct results during the learning.K-means,self organizing
maps,distances and normalization comes under the unsupervised learning.Clustering can
be considered the most important unsupervised learning problem; so, as every other
problem of this kind, it deals with finding a structure in a collection of unlabeled data.In
other words it is a undirected data mining process.Different types of clusters are given in
the table 1.

ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

Well Separated Clusters

A cluster in which all the points in a
particular cluster is same or nearest to other
points of the cluster as compared to the
other points which are not in the cluster is
called well separated cluster.
Centre Based clusters
A cluster is a set of objects such that an
object in a cluster is nearest (more similar)
to the center of a cluster, than to the center
of any other cluster. The center of a cluster
is often a centroid.
A cluster is a set of points so that a point in a
Contiguous clusters
cluster is nearest (or more similar) to one or
more other points in the cluster as compared
to any point that is not in the cluster.
Cluster which are having same density of
Density-based clusters
points in clusters differentiated as low
density and high density, are called density
based clusters.
Shared Property or Conceptual Clusters that shares common property or
concepts are called shared or conceptual
Table. 1[3] Different types of Clusters.

Different Stages Of Clustering

Different stages in clustering along with the feedback loop are given in the below figure:


ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

In pattern representation,different types and number of the classes,patterns and scale of

the features available in the clustering algorithms are represented.In Feature
selection,identification of the effective subset of the original features to use in the
clustering is done while in feature extraction,transformations of the input features is done
so as to produce new salient features.Inter-pattern similarity is measured by a distance
function defined on pairs of patterns.Anderberg[4], Jain and Dubes[5] and Diday and
Simon[6] uses different types of distance measures.Euclidean is one such distance
measure used to reflect dissimilarity between two patterns.The grouping step can be
performed wither in hard way or in fuzzy.The former implies a partition of the data into
groups while later implies that each pattern has a variable degree of membership in each
of the output clusters[1].The selection of grouping methods depends upon the type of
clustering tobe used further.In Data abstraction the data set is represent in a well
mannered and readable form.Feedback loop is used to obtain continuos improvement in
the data set.

Different Techniques Of The Clustering

There are many classification suggested in literature.The broad classification as given by
Jain and Dubes [7] is Hierarchical and partitional clustering.All other methods of
clustering is the under this two broad types.Recent literature reveals new techniques of
clustering such that density based algorithms, grid based algorithms, ANFIS(Adaptive
Network Based fuzzy interference system) and FCM(Fuzzy c-means clustering method).
A brief description of all methods are given below.

Hierarchical Clustering
This method creates a hierarchical decomposition of the given set of data objects. The tree
of clusters so formed named as dendrograms. Every cluster node contains child clusters,
sibling clusters partition the points covered by their common parent[8]. In hierarchical
clustering,the number of items are equal to the number of clusters(say n). The pairs which
are closest to each other are merged into single cluster.After this measurement of the

ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

distance between new cluster and each of old clusters.Repeating of the steps is done until
all items are clustered into m no. of clusters.This can be done in two ways:
A) Bottom Up hierarchical clustering: In this type of clustering,a parent cluster in divided
into fragmented cluster which in turn again splits into clusters.The methods starts with
merging cluster into larger one until all the objects are in a single cluster or certain
termination condition is satisfied.This method is also called as agglomerative
clustering.During agglomeration,the closest cluster are merged into a single cluster[9].
B) Top Down hierarchical clustering: Unlike agglomerative clustering,this method starts
with a single cluster containing all objects and then progressively splits which ultimately
clustered until only individual clusters remain[10].This method is also called as Divisive
clustering which is not commonly used.
Hierarchical clustering enjoys the benefits of flexibility,ease of handling and applicability
to any attribute type but it suffers from a serious demerits that once a step (merge or split) is
done, it can never be undone.

Partitioning Clustering
Methods like k-mean, Bisecting K Means Method, Medoids Method, PAM (Partitioning
Around Medoids), CLARA (Clustering LARGE Applications) and the Probabilistic
Clustering are comes under partitioning clustering.The name itself suggests that the data is
divided into number of subsets.Since it is not computationally possible to check the all
possible subset of the systems available that is the reason this methods can be used to
clustered large overcome such limitation of checking,this methods uses statistical
method to assign rank values to the cluster categorical data.This data One such method is
k-means method whose steps are depicted if fig.3.This method which find mutual
exclusive clusters of spherical method.The categorial data so obtain from the statical
method has been convert into numeric by assigning rank value to them[11].
This method is efficient in processing large data and always terminates with a optimum
results with clusters of convex shape.


ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Methods

All the above mentioned methods have cluster boundaries which are defined for data and
data elements are sharp but in real problems the features or attributes are not that much
sharp because they have some potential to be a part of some other class to a particular
extent[2].The use of Fuzzy logic theory overcome this limitation.Fuzzy logic takes into
account the degree of uncertainty of samples belonging to each classes and also their
relationships,thus they reflect the real world situation.Also the patterns formed by
partitions as discussed by the previous mentioned methods have relation with one and only
one cluster and thus the cluster so formed have are disjoint.Zadeh[12] has concluded that
fuzzy clustering has a feature which is supported by a membership function.One of the best
fuzzy methods is fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm which is depicted by Bezdek[13,14] in
his papers in 1974 and 1981 respectively.FCM method works on the optimization of a
specific cost function, and it operates well when the clusters are compact or isotropic.Some
advantages of FCM is great ability to detect hyper volume clusters and thin shells - curves
and surfaces.Its also shows relationship between patterns of different clusters.A detailed
algorithm is very well explained in the review paper by Jain et. al[5].
One can read better on fuzzy clustering in the famous book by Bezdek[14].


ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

Anfis : Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System

On 1993,ROGER Jang developed the ANFIS techniques that over comes the short
comings of ANNs and fuzzy systems. ANFIS uses neural and fuzzy logic approaches at
same time to combine the advantages of each method to achieves better performance. The
main motto of the ANFIS technique is to merge the remarkable features of the Fuzzy
systems and neural networks.It reduce the optimization search space by highlighting the
prior knowledge into a set of constraints,which is one of the advantage of fuzzy
system.Moreover,it also automate FC parametric tuning by adapting the back propagation
to structured network.ANFIS finds its best application in controllers,which is used to
automate FC tuning and modelers,which are sued to explain past data and predict future
behaviour. Fuzzy part of ANFIS is constructed by mean of input and output variables ,
membership functions ,fuzzy rules and inference method.
Membership functions are the functions that defines the fuzzy sets .the fuzzy rules have a
form of if-then rules and define how the output must be for a specific value of
membership of its inputs.The basic steps involved in the implementation of the ANFIS are
shown in the fig.5

Initialization of fuzzy system takes place with the help of the GENIS 1 AND GENIS 2
commands.After then number of iterations and error in the form of tolerance is given as
input.ANFIS commands is given then and waits for the results which meets our tolerance
level.The result so obtained is then validate with independent data.
The Fuzzy controllers system or Fuzzy Inference system as suggested by [15] is given in
figure 4.

ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

Fuzzy inference system (FIS) is also known as fuzzy rule base system , fuzzy model,
fuzzy associative memories or fuzzy controller.
Basically FIS is composed of 5 functional blocks:
. A fuzzyfication interface which transforms crisp inputs into degrees of match with
linguistic rule values.
. A rule base containing number of fuzzy if then rules.
. A data base which defines the membership functions of the fuzzy set used in the fuzzy
. A defuzzyfication interface which transforms the fuzzy results into a crisp outputs.
DATABASE and RULEBASE are jointly referred to as a knowledge base.


ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

5 layer architecture of ANFIS:

The first layer of the structure is called fuzzification.

In the second layer, the weight of each rule has to be computed by means of a fuzzy
AND operation.
In the layer 3, it is made the normalization of the values.
in the layer 4 the defuzzification process.
Finally in layer 5, the overall output of the system is obtained .

In this paper,we have successfully represent all the techniques along with their
implementation methods and relative merits and demerits among each other.We hope this
paper will help all the scholars whose choose clustering as their research.However,one can
also refer detailed literature available on the various methods mentioned in this
paper.ANFIS and FCM methods respond better to real life situation as compared to other
methods.Depending upon the situation and tolerance level desire,the selection of the
methods is done,


ISSN: 2348 9510

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)
Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014

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