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ADMINISTRATION IN FRESNO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Presented so ‘he Faculty of the Schoo! of Baucaton ‘The University of Southern California In Paral Fulsiimee ofthe Requirements forthe Degree Doctor of Bateation Jon Allsn Dow Jue 1967 UISTORY OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND ‘order and culture have teen succesfil and the steadily roan anfhigir aheadon, GAGES) ee ‘Terry Unon Dustciet ‘The Terry Union District was organized Septamber Ll, 1945, ye joining ofthe Central and Terry dsrics. Located on the Fowler-Laton Highway end Mountain View Avene, in 1946 the de- ttle id an average stentanc of 11 stants and an assessed ‘alnacon of $1,508,000, ‘The ew five-man board of rustees wa ‘compote of RW, Rove, A. Price, GR. Klenhammer, Gaorge Iworson (cles), abd. W. Nelson (presen). Mrs. Margaret Desasters was principal of he four-tachersctool-whichinchded Mrs. Gladye Minch, Mee. Halen Packer, end Mire, Ruth Van Buskirk (13:1946-47), Nineoon years later, 1 196, the district ad doubled its average auendance-baving 22 sents and an sseossed valuation of $2, 00,480, Cayto Hougers was principl of the Kindergarten through eighth grade school, and Ray Brock was clerk of te board. ‘Torey District. --Toe orginal Terry District was formed May 4, 1882, snd united to Solme High School District rn yeers| later--in 1892. A register forthe yen 1892 contained te following snvenzory of eboo! equpment «= eighcen desks, along bench axound the room, ‘on Cs, Om storey one sable, four blacktoards, fame for chara, fe chart, 12 maps, one wacet bucket, fo wash par. thes towel one globe, one bet of mate: fated blocks, # new chart, ne lbazy of 79 oaks, 8 fo poll, one music cart, sod one rieror.‘The #3 ponds ang fom 5 to I8 years of tger(3:10-5-1961) Ju A, Bowler was the disret’s test teacher and W. W. nevis the fist clevk ofthe hot, Jenne Rapey ws the teacher in 1899--with boors members H. Craven, A, A. Webber, and John Bigelow (cest). Other early teachers inched Alice David, 1900-02; Mr W. f Mers, 190203; Mr, J. W. Traber, 1908-06; Mr. Jenne Moyer (rincpal) ad Mise Mabel Wallace, 1906-05; Wiss Hazel Hogue, 1907-06; and Mies Sela Torvert, 1908-08, ‘The avorage atendance inthe tree-teacher school in 1908 was eixy-tvo whan G. C. Cooper was clerk ofthe hoard, Clerks preceding Cooper were Alfred Weehause, 1906; E. Finerty, 1903; W. C. Campbell, 190; and H. Craven, 1900. “The average ateanee inthe Terry District's lst year of separate operation in 1945-46 wae aneryfour students. J. Ws Nelsen was clerk of he board, and Mrs, Hazel Yoder was principal ofthe fur-teachersetool (15:1945-40. (Genta District, The Cental District, located on Conejo Avon near Temperance, lot operstod during the 1942-19 school year-with Mr, Dolores Browe es teacher and Robert Green, who

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