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Yor enverortce sans, 195 RAL orsmrcT > cartes 1945 - ( Trustes of Conal , Walnut, Terry ani Franklin schools get together meet in Canal chéol Jan. 3 to srotes t ecceptence by Selma Zleaentary Listrict of s tudents who live in tho rural dietrits, wno the n in turn 1b se the ADA. They decide to internally approach the problem first and then turn, if needed, to the County Board of ducation for help. Jack Blake, clerk of the Canal board, pres ided. He and others said there ts'no s crious thought of consolidation with the Selna district. Georce Iverson of Ten-y said direct ne gotiations with Selma Elementary and High “chool board rather than Supt. “agecond had pr oduced results. Terny, he said, wee offering bus transportation andhot menls and retatning its 9 tu‘ents. They akagx wore free in their oritictsm of Edgecomb but refused to criticize a tex election Jan. 1? for construction of more Selma “lementary classrocms. Attending were Jack Blake, Kent Levis abd Edwin A. “eterson from the Cnnal board; Al Schloenvogt anc Geor~e R. Jorgensen from Pranklin; Teorge Iversen, Chester Kleinham-er and Joe Nelson from Terry; clifford Feaver and Theo F. Loukonen on talnut, and several others, inclu*in= Canel Principal Ruth Shafer and “alnut Principal fre. Erte Penns 144s. \y” Bilarzetze Sanz_11 ‘+ Serna soard Jen. 5 decides formal action by either the rural school board or county board will be req uired of non-resident district students, but Edgecomb says such azz is already the case and most of the pr oblem being caused by people roving into.a district, not wishing to move their children but failing to persuade the local board in the country to grant an intervistrict transfer, thus having to go to county. He says there are 3, non-d's rict stu‘ents in Selma schools, includinz 16 from Central School District where no school is being overated, 2 from Xingsburg, 2 from Franklin, one from Terry, 9 from ‘Walnut, on? from canal, tro from Fruitvale and tro from Ross. One Selma student 1s attenting Terry, four Selma @istrict stu’ nts are attending Walnut and two are attendinz Fruitvale. WE ALL “NOW “HAT DISTRICT FINALLY WON TIE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL BATTLE.

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