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In the room

Part 1
I am currently in my bedroom


Spool of string
Tape Measure
1 Piece of Chewing Gum
Hungry Caterpillar Book

Part 2
Connections Stringing STEMS

The flashlight, string and tape measure can be utilized to determine linear
measurements. The geometric line represents infinity. They are tools that can be
utilized to build and construct. These items can be utilized to help identify
characteristics of matter. All of these items can be used to change ones
environment and save your life.
My current mental state is one of confusion and anxiety. A month ago I left an
environment where I knew where I fit in. I was proud of shaking those Urban
Stems. Returning today; my place seems to be taken. There is much work to do
still, but does it matter. I debated whether I should return home to continue
resting and recuperating in my bedroom; like that hungry caterpillar in her cocoon.

Part 3
Picking random items around me. Finding treasures that tell a story. The string can
be used to encircle and connect collaborative communities. The tape measure
meters the steps that I take toward leadership. The gum helps me pause for
reflection as I chew on the decisions and actions that I make and the anxiety I
feel from making mistakes. The book has words that are musical; a song of change
that I want all to here. To be heard, I must release fragrances of self-worth, selfidentity and selflessness.
Part 4
Working on this document, in my bedroom, allowed my words and emotions to flow.
There was no audience or a downpour of accountability. Pure appreciation for who
I am is what I feel as I go through the levels of this exercise.
Coming from a Baptist-Catholic background, my first ideas of leadership resonated
from the pulpit and the choir stand. Before I continue, I need to reiterate that
everything that I experience daily relates to a song or a beat. A pastor impacts
the room by the way they make words sing. This song can have many themes such
as the hope of equality, the sorrow of poverty and the joy of creation. Their
melody of words resonates beyond that moment in time. The emotions of the
choirs singing vibrates ones body and soul; with the result being one of change. If
that change does not occur; the pastor, like a true leader, persists a month of
Sundays until the metamorphosis occurs.

A leader is an individual with organic or acquired abilities to impact others while

continuing to strive for personal development. Leaders are not self-seeking, but
selfless soul searchers.

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