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News and Information


For Immediate Release
Jan. 27, 2015

Contact: Jasper Thomas


Challah for Hunger Chapter Will Resume Baking

And Selling Challah In The Spring
Elon Universitys Challah for Hunger chapter will donate the
proceeds to charities and non-profit organizations
The Challah for Hunger chapter at Elon University will resume baking
challah in the Skult Hillel Center selling it in the Moseley Center. The
proceeds will be donated to charities like Duke Childrens Hospital
Miracle Network, the American Jewish World Service Sudanese Relief,
Allied Churches and Family Abuse Services of Alamance County.

For baking, the challah students can come Tuesdays from 4 6 p.m.
For selling/buying challah, students can come Wednesdays from 11
a.m. to 2 p.m.


The Sklut Hillel Center is where students bake the challah. The Moseley
Center is where students can sell/buy the challah.

Since its inception in February 2013, the Challah for Hunger chapter at
Elon University has donated its proceeds to charities and nonprofit

Challah is amazing and I wanted to learn how to make it! said Jamie
Fleishman, a first year student at Elon University.

All students, no matter if they identify as Jewish or not, can participate

in the baking and the selling/buying of challot. The organization opens
its doors to help promote an interfaith community working toward a

Judaism has a word, tikkun olam, which means repairing the world,
third-year student Morgan Goldstein said. We believe that it is our
responsibility to give back and by making challah we can do that.

Elon Universitys Challah for Hunger has been baking and selling in the
fall and spring semester. In the 2013-2014 academic year, the chapter
raised nearly $1,800 in donations that went to places like Duke

Childrens Hospital Miracle Network, the American Cancer Society, the

American Jewish World Service Sudanese Relief, The Village Project,
Allied Churches, Family Abuse Services of Alamance County and
Alamance County Meals on Wheels.

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