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Armando Gonzalez


1. In my biology class in the first semester of my freshman year we were assigned to create an
edible model of a cell. Some groups were assigned an animal cell, while others got a plant cell.
This project would have been extremely difficult if it was an individual assignment; because not
only do I not bake I was not very creative before this project. This project was very fun and after
we presented it was very delicious. We baked the animal cell as a group the three of my group
members. We all helped to bake a cake and then decorate it to make it look like a cell. The next
day we presented it and explained what each part does and how they function.
2. Identify and list the GLPOS that were satisfied in completing this
artifact. In addition, please explain how these GLPOS were met by
specifically referring to the examples or evidence from the artifact?
One of the GLPOs that I satisfied in doing this project was communicating ideas and recognizing
perspectives. I recognized ideas because I worked with three more other people and we had to
collaborate together to get a project done in a short period of time. We never argued and we tried
to agree with each others ideas. I communicated ideas by giving a presentation to the whole
class on something we made. Overall it was fun project.
3. What skills and concepts were learned in completing this artifact and
how will they affect your future? Some of the skills I learned were how to bake a cake and how
to decorate them. I learned how to work as a team to get a job done efficiently. We gave a good
presentation to a large class and got a good grade on it. All of this helped me be more college
ready because its helping me be more comfortable to give presentations. In college I will have to
work with many different people so I have to start getting better at it.
4. What might you do differently if you were able to recreate or revise
the final product?
If I would do this again I would start early so that I can get more familiar with the context in the
cell and would have gave a better speech. We could have also made a better cell a much more
decorated one.

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