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aii AQUA OXYGEN. OXYGENATES & FEEDS CELLS, CLEANSES & FORTIFIES G THE BODY’S SYSTEMS ~ THROUGHOUT THE DAY Many look-alike oxygen therapies; hy- drogen peroxide, & stabilized oxygen products have been in the marketplace up to this time and they are vastly different \ and inferior to the product presented in \ AQUA OXYGEN, ‘An excerpt rom Jason Berens’ new book AGUA OXYGEN. AQUA OXYGEN,, HAS THE ABILITY TO DETACH H,O INTO O- AND H+ FOR IN- CREASED BIOAVAILABILITY OF THESE ELEMENTS AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL. THE NASCENT OXYGEN RELEASED PRO- VIDES CELLS WITH THE POWER THEY NEED TO CREATE ENERGY, CLEANSE THE TISSUES AND SPUR CELLULAR RES- rar oaaus THE NASCENT HYDROGEN RELEASED a ASSEMBLES AND PRESERVES TISSUE CELLS AS WELL AS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM lular Oxygen & Nutrients a time-release cascading formula THE NEGATIVELY CHARGED OXYGEN RE- LEASED BY AQUA OXYGEN,,BONDS WITH FREE RADICALS IN THE BODY WHICH CAUSE BIOLOGICAL AGING, AND CHANG- ES THEM INTO STABILIZED OXYGEN MANY DOCTORS AND CHIROPRACTORS N88 ARE ADVISING THEIR PATIENTS TO TAKE AQUA OXYGEN, BECAUSE OF ITS UNIQUE ABILITY TO MAKE OTHER NEC- ESSARY PREPARATIONS (DRUGS, VITA- MINS, MINERALS, OXYGEN, HYDROGEN, ETC.) MORE BIO-AVAILABLE IN THE BODY COMBINING AQUA OXYGEN,,, WITH PURE WATER (H,0): ‘4When you combine AQUA OXYGEN,, with pure water, the proprietary formula immediately goes to work by weakening the covalent bond in the water molecule (H,O). 4The production of the AQUA OXYGEN,, "enhanced” water molecule thrives in pure water due to AQUA OXYGNEN,,’s electromagnetic design 4Each pure water molecule (as seen below - depicted in red) can be defined by specific dimensions and angles. Because of the unique characteristics of oxygen and hydrogen each water molecule can be identified by two hydrogen atoms resting in the valent-space of the oxygen atom at a 104.45° angle. Each hydrogen atom resides at a distance of 95.84pm from the oxygen atom. 4Combining a water molecule with the proprietary formula in AQUA OXYGEN,, weakens the covalent bond of the water molecule by expanding the angle of the hydrogen atoms to 123.98. This action in tum lengthens the hydrogen(s) distance from the center of the oxygen atom to 108.54pm. 4This respectfully converts the pure water molecule into to what we call an AQUA OXYGEN,, “en- hanced” water molecule (as seen below - depicted in blue). This process unmasks the individual charge of oxygen and hydrogen. Thus making the solo atoms in the enhanced water molecule identifi- able, and through a demand created by a charge - eventually bioavailable to the needs in the body. 95.84 pm sy i: on THE WATER MOLECULE (H,O) BEFORE AQUA OXYGEN,,, |S ADDED (RED COLORS TO DISTINGUISH THAT THE WATER MOLECULE HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED BY AQUA OXYGEN,,) 108.54 pm $$» = yout THE WATER MOLECULE (H,O) AFTER AQUA OXYGEN,, IS ADDED (BLUE COLOR IS TO DISTINGUISH THAT THE COVALENT BOND IN THE WATER MOLECULE HAS BEEN WEAKEND BY THE ADDITION OF AQUA OXYGEN.) MIX 10 DROPS OF AQUA OXYGEN INTO 10 OUNCES OF PURE WATER: ‘4When you drink the AQUA OXYGEN, enhanced water, because of the new molecular weight of the enhanced water molecules, your body absorbs these AQUA OXYGEN, enhanced water molecules immediately through the mucosal lining of the mouth and esophagus - directly into the blood stream. The remaining AQUA OXYGEN, enhanced water molecules are absorbed throughout the digestive tract where they are able to promote digestion and nutrient absorbtion through the wall of the small intestine. éThe circulatory system carries the AQUA OXYGEN,,, enhanced water molecules as it does unen- hanced molecules to each and every cell in the body via the blood. 4The body still recognizes the AQUA OXYGEN,, enhanced water molecule as pure water, but with a very important caveat. Because of the ionic and negatively charged state of the enhanced water, the body recognizes the newly enhanced water molecule as it does blood or lymph fluid. There is an increased synchronicity between the fluids within the body when this happens. éThe glass of water that has been combined with AQUA OXYGEN,, has less surface tension which has been measured by the solution's zeta potential’ éThe increased synchronicity and decreased surface tension are invaluable attributes. These new and beneficial fluids in your body will obtain a “free-pass” to comingle with the intracellular fluids as it does with the extracellular fluids. The benefit is “increased bioavailability” of the beneficial ingredi- ents and function of AQUA OXYGEN.,. This also increases the assimilation of elements that you bring into your body such as foodstuffs, vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, pharmaceuticals, etc. éThis explains why people that take AQUA OXYGEN,,, regularly feel increased functionality from their foods, supplements and pharmaceuticals. These elements are simply more bioavailable. 108.54 pm @ oneem eo H BIOLOGICAL DEMAND BIOLOGICAL NASCENT DEMAND (NEWLY BORN) POSITIVELY CHARGED HYDROGEN

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