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Species fundamental features

Latin Name: Sphaerichthys osphromenoides Canestri, 1860.

Family: Osphronemidae
Subfamily: Trichogastrinae

This is a small fish, no more than 5 cm long, with a flat-shaped body. It shows the typical
characteristics found in all members of this family: filiform ventral fins, and the labyrinth; a
specialized organ in the use of atmospheric air. Brown coloured (it gets its name from that), with
several cream coloured stripes, which change according to its mood. It also shows a
characteristic cream, brown and black pattern on the anal and part of the tail fin. The filiform fins
are not easily seen, and most of the time stay folded over the body. It's a mouth brooder. Sex
differences are not very significant in low breeding activity periods, but are outstanding when
breeding. Males show a pronounced cream/white edge mainly on the dorsal fin, and a more
intense reddish body. Females are rounder and acquire a less intense colour, showing a dark spot
on the tail fin.

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