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Amba is the greatest god.

Perils of rote memorization

approach Learning joyfully with a playful sense of curiosity. This makes learning easy.
{Brahma rested well with joy creates a cuckoo
Brahma ill-rested with doubt in his mind creates a raven
When not doing an activity, you long to do it. You look forward all day to do it.
When doing that activity, you prolong the act of doing it. You want to maximize your experience with
That activity.
While doing that activity if you make (encounter) a mistake you are not gripped by fear, self-loathing,
(aatma hainyam), or sadness. Instead you feel joy. Without knowing it you treat a mistake as your
friend who teaches you the proper way to perform the activity.
Without realizing it you become an expert in said activity.
You inspire people while performing that activity.
You spend your whole life performing that activity, your acts reward you with wealth, fame, and .
People from all over recognize you as an expert in that activity. They seek you out
And plead you to become their teacher.
You cheerfully spend your wholelife working long hours every day immersed in this your favorite activity.
It is all fun and entertainment. You can honestly say, I have never worked a day in my life.

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