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Jenny Vo

Professor Hymes
English 114B
29 January 2015
Morals and Ethics
Anonymous, . "Cometh the Watchmen." Sunday Tribune, (2009): 4.
In this article, the author give a detailed description of the main characters and talks about
their role in their group. He talks about how Dr. Manhattan is the one guy that you want on your
good side because he is on top of his game and knows what is going on in the world. He then
talks about how Laurie is the eye candy of their group and how she is there because her mother
wants her to a superhero. Dan, who is also known as the Nite Owl, is an old- fashioned kind of
guy and is the superhero that shows chivalry. Rorschach is the intimidating one that everyone is
scared of because they know what he is capable of doing. Ozymandias is the brains of the group,
he is a hero in a sense of way that the other look up to him since he is so intelligent. In the group,
I feel like Dan and Ozymandias have good morals. I do not believe that Dr. Manhattan and
Laurie have good morals because they are kind of being forced to be there. I believe that in order
to have good ethics as a superhero, you have to be truly committed. Rorschach is a good hero,
but he can go overboard.

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