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Role-Playing Game Sample Tutorial Re-using the Tile

In this tutorial, you are going to extract the two-dimensional tile-based rendering
and collision system from the Role-Playing Game (RPG) Sample, and add it to a new
XNA Game Studio game. The tutorial makes the following assumptions about the
needs of your game:
1) You are comfortable working with C# and developing your own game.
2) You are interested in re-using the RPG Samples tile-based rendering and
collision system (the tile engine).
3) You will define the map layers in the same manner as the RPG Sample.
4) You still need portals to move between maps.
5) You are not interested in any of the other components of the RPG Sample,
including animated sprites, treasure chests, monsters, and quests. If you are
interested in any of these, you can add them to your new project, as needed.
6) You will tie the tile engine into your own game logic, which may or may not
be based on the Session type in the RPG Sample.
Though this tutorial adds the tile engine to an empty XNA Game Studio project, you
can adjust the steps as appropriate for your own game. You may also feel free to
adjust namespace, class, or other names within the RPG Sample code to match your
own conventions. However, be careful to accommodate those changes as you work
through the tutorial.

How Does the Tile Engine Work?

The tile engine is a code system that consumes two-dimensional map specifications
and supports rendering and collision-check operations. The run-time code that
serves this purpose can be found in the RolePlayingGame project for your platform,
in TileEngine\TileEngine.cs. Since you can only have one tile engine at a time, and
it does not own the lifetime of any external objects, the entire type is specified
statically in the TileEngine type.
The tile engine tracks one position in the world. This position is used to center the
camera, determine visibility, and test for collisions. This position is specified in the
PlayerPosition type in the TileEngine\PlayerPosition.cs file. It has three
components: a tile position, with integer indices given in map coordinates
specifying which tile the player is in; an offset, with floating-point indices
specifying the players exact location relative to the center of the current tile; and a
Direction-enumeration value specifying which way the player is currently facing
based on the most recent movement.

The RolePlayingGameData project for your platform in Maps\Map.cs specifies the

Map type. It contains the full set of data for a given map. The most important data
are four two-dimensional arrays of integers:

Base Layer: A numerical index into the tiles in the maps texture, specifying
the first sprite drawn in the space. Typically, this is the ground.
Fringe Layer: A numerical index into the tiles in the maps texture,
specifying the second sprite drawn in the space. Typically, these sprites are
trees, buildings, fences anything that is at ground level, but might be
matched up with various ground tiles. The separation between the base and
fringe layers means you can have one tree sprite (fringe layer) that can sit on
top of any kind of ground sprite (base layer).
Object Layer: A numerical index into the tiles in the maps texture,
specifying the sprite drawn in the space after all objects have been drawn.
These sprites always appear on top of all other objects in the same tile
characters, chests, and so on. These include treetops and signs.
Collision Layer: An integer of value 0 (false) or nonzero (true), used as a
Boolean value representing whether that tile can be entered by the player.

When these layers are drawn with TileEngine.DrawLayer, the view will be
centered on the current position, if possible. It will constrain the view to a given
viewport so that the background color is never seen.
The map object also contains lists of the objects with which the player may interact.
The only relevant one to this tutorial is the list of portals gateways that move the
player from one map object to another. This data is stored in two lists. The first list
contains a list of the Portal objects with their names, and the map name, portal
names, and final destination to which they link. The second list contains
MapEntry<Portal> objects, which represent instances of the portal at a particular
tile position on the map. MapEntry objects also contain data about the direction
that the object is facing, but facing direction does not matter for portal objects.

How is the Tile Engine Code Structured?

The tile engine depends on a three-project system that is common to many XNA
Game Studio games.

Data Project: A code library that defines the game types that will be used
in the games data files and loaded by way of the XNA Content Pipeline at
run-time. In the RPG Sample, the game types provide their own Content
Pipeline reader types as nested classes within each data type.
Content Pipeline Extension Project: A Content Pipeline extension library
that provides content writers for the game types defined in the data project.
The built-in importers and processors for XML files generally dont need to be
replaced. Objects such as portal objects and MapEntry objects do not have
their own separate content files. They are built and loaded as part of building

and loading a map content file, and their readers and writers are invoked by
the map reader and writer. The same is true of inherited types the
MapEntry reader and writer calls into the base types (ContentEntry)
reader and writer.
Game Project: The executable XNA Game Studio game project, containing
references to the data and extension projects, as well as game data stored as

A Map type will be defined in the data project, along with any supporting types that
are necessary. Content Pipeline writer types for the Map type (and any supporting
types) will be added to the extension project. Finally, the TileEngine type, and a
few supporting types, will be added to the game project, along with a modified
piece of content from the RPG Sample for testing purposes.
Internally, the tile engine is defined statically. A single map is set into the tile
engine, and calls to TileEngine.Update and TileEngine.DrawLayer will use that
maps data for movement/collision and rendering, respectively. The tile engine is
not implemented as a XNA GameComponent subclass because the layers typically
are interleaved with sprites from other sources.

Creating the Projects

First, make sure that you have an instance of the RPG Sample on your computer:
1) If you have not done so, download the sample and install it on your computer.
2) Create a new Role Playing Game Windows project in Visual Studio.
3) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the RPG projects directory. An
alternate method is to open any code file in the project in Visual Studio, right
click its tab, click Open Containing Folder, and then navigate to the root
folder of the project.
Note: The tutorial will refer to this window as the RPG explorer window.
You will notice three subdirectories in this root folder RolePlayingGame,
RolePlayingGameProcessors, and RolePlayingGameData corresponding to the
three projects in the RPG Sample solution.
Now lets create the new Windows solution that will re-use the tile engine:
1) Create a new Windows Game project in XNA Game Studio. Name it
whatever you like. Make sure the Create Directory for Solution check box
is checked.
Note: The tutorial will refer to this original project as the game project.
2) In the Solution Explorer, right click the Solution node (the root node in the
window), hover over the Add option, and click New Project. Select
Windows Game Library, and give it a different name from the game project.

Note: The tutorial will refer to this project as the data project.
Delete Class1.cs from the project. Right-click the data project root node and
click Add Reference. In the new Add Reference window that pops up,
click the .NET tab, scroll down and select System.Xml from the list, and
click OK.
3) In Solution Explorer, right-click the Solution node (the root node in the
window), hover over the Add option, and click New Project. Select Content
Pipeline Extension Library , and give it a different name from the game
and data projects. Delete ContentProcessor1.cs from the project.
Note: The tutorial will refer to this project as the pipeline project.
4) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the new projects directory. An
alternate method is to open any code file in the project in Visual Studio, rightclick its tab, click Open Containing Folder, and then navigate up to the root
folder of the project.
Note: The tutorial will refer to this window as the new-game explorer
You will notice that each of the three projects you just created has its own
subdirectory in this root folder.
Next, set up the project references in the new game project:
1) The game project needs to know about the data types so it can load them at
runtime. In Solution Explorer, right-click the game project node, and click
Add Reference. In the Add Reference window that pops up, click the
Projects tab, select your data project, and then click OK.
2) The pipeline project also needs to know about the data types so it can build
them. In Solution Explorer, right-click the pipeline project node, and click
Add Reference. In the Add Reference window that pops up, click the
Projects tab, select your data project, and then click OK.
3) The games content project needs to know about the processor library so it
can build the content. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Content node
under game project node, and then click Add Reference. In the Add
Reference window that pops up, click the Projects tab, select your pipeline
project, and then click OK.

Copying the Code

You need to copy the tile engine code and the necessary related components from
the RPG project to the new game project. Copy the following files from the
specified folders in the RPG explorer window in the appropriate folders in the newgame explorer window:

Data Project:
o RolePlayingGameData\Map\Map.cs
o RolePlayingGameData\Map\Portal.cs
o RolePlayingGameData\ContentEntry.cs
o RolePlayingGameData\ContentObject.cs
o RolePlayingGameData\Direction.cs
o RolePlayingGameData\MapEntry.cs
Pipeline Project:
o RolePlayingGameProcessors\Map\MapWriter.cs
o RolePlayingGameProcessors\Map\PortalWriter.cs
o RolePlayingGameProcessors\ContentEntryWriter.cs
o RolePlayingGameProcessors\MapEntryWriter.cs
o RolePlayingGameProcessors\RolePlayingGameWriter.cs
Game Project:
o RolePlayingGame\TileEngine\PlayerPosition.cs
o RolePlayingGame\TileEngine\TileEngine.cs

You do not need to preserve the same subdirectory structure inside the new project
folders. For example, you may place Map.cs in the same directory as
ContentEntry.cs, though both code files must be within the new data projects
Now that the files are in the correct project directories, add the code files to their
respective projects. You could do this by right-clicking on each project, and clicking
Add Existing Item for each code file. However, since the code files are in the
correct locations already, there is a faster way. For each project, select the root
project node, go to the Projects menu, and then click Show All Files. This will
show white rectangles with dashed outlines next to files that are present in the
projects directory, but are not yet included in the project. Select all the code files
that you have copied in, right-click them, and then click Include in Project. You
should toggle off Show All Files on each project after you are done. This ensures
you do not accidentally include the bin or obj directories, or any other
unintended content. Repeat this process for each project.

Copying the Test Data

Your own game will have its own maps and likely its own textures, but it will be
easier to test the new game with maps and textures from the RPG Sample.
In the new-game explorer window, enter the subdirectory for the game project, then
the Content subdirectory. Create a new folder called Maps, and another new folder
in the same directory called Textures. Enter the new Textures subdirectory, and
create new subfolder called Maps. Enter the Maps subdirectory and create a new
directory called NonCombat. After the tutorial is complete, you can feel free to edit
the MapReader.LoadContent method in Map.cs to load the map texture from a
different subdirectory.

Copy the following files from the specified folders in the RPG explorer window into
the new-game explorer window:

Game Project\Content\Maps:
o RolePlayingGame\Content\Maps\Map001.xml
o RolePlayingGame\Content\Maps\Map002.xml
o RolePlayingGame\Content\Textures\Maps\NonCombat\ForestTiles.png

Repeat the process described in the Copying the Code section of this tutorial to
include the content files in the content project. Select the Content node in the
game project, go to Project, and click Show All Files. Select the Maps and
Textures subdirectories, right-click them, and then click Include in Project, which
will automatically include all contents of those directories in the project as well.

Examining What You Have Made

You have created a new game with data and pipeline projects, and you have copied
over the RPG Samples tile engine code and some game content for testing.
You only copied a small subset of the code from the RPG Sample, and the code and
data files that were copied particularly the Map type and related types and
content reference types and methods that were left behind. These features may
or may not be relevant to your game. This tutorial assumes they are not relevant. If
you want, you can add those features and associated data back in after you
complete this tutorial.
The next several steps will remove these references from the copied code and
content. In general, you will find the compiler to be your friend if it does not know
about a certain type of object, then chances are its referring to a line of code that
should be removed. It will even underline each affected line, making them easy to

Stripping Down the Data Types

First, lets remove the data in MapEntry.cs that is not a part of the new game. The
Graphics Data region within MapEntry.cs contains a definition for an
AnimatingSprite object, which is used to hold clones of character sprites for
independent animation and rendering. The new game doesnt use the
AnimatingSprite class. You need to remove the entire Graphics Data region.
Next, lets remove the data in Map.cs that is valid, but not a part of our new game.
Open Map.cs, and examine its contents. You will notice that most of the data is
implemented as a private member field and a public property, typically for read and
write access. When you remove a given field, you need to remove the property that
accesses it, which should always be implemented directly beneath the field

The new game does not implement the RPG Samples combat engine. Navigate to
the Graphics Data region, and remove the combatTextureName and
combatTexture fields, and the CombatTextureName and CombatTexture
The new game does not implement the audio manager or music system from the
RPG Sample. You need to remove the entire Music region.
The only map objects that are implemented in the new game are portals. Open the
Map Contents region and remove everything except the portalEntries field, the
associated PortalEntries property, and the FindPortal method. The removed
fields and properties are MapEntry lists for chests, fixed-combats, non-player
characters, inns, and stores, and the RandomCombat field and property. The
portal data should be implemented first in the Map Contents region, so it should
be easy to remove everything else inside that region.
The Map and MapEntry types now only define the data in which you are
interested. Now you have to edit the remaining methods to remove any references
to the now-missing fields and properties. The easiest way to identify these is to let
the compiler do the work. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the data project node,
and click Build. You should see a number of compiler errors in the Error List
Double-click the first listing in the Error List window. This will take you to the
beginning of the Map.Clone method. Examine the method, and you will see a
number of lines that have segments underlined these are references to the
recently-removed fields. Remove each of these lines, including the entire for-loop
that iterates over the chestEntries list (since that list is gone). You can check that
the lines removed correlate exactly to the fields that were removed earlier, and that
all of the fields remaining are still copied or assigned in the Clone method. If you
have done this correctly, the Clone method should look like this:
public object Clone()
Map map = new Map();
map.AssetName = AssetName;
map.baseLayer = BaseLayer.Clone() as int[];
map.collisionLayer = CollisionLayer.Clone() as int[];
map.fringeLayer = FringeLayer.Clone() as int[];
map.mapDimensions = MapDimensions; = Name;
map.objectLayer = ObjectLayer.Clone() as int[];
map.spawnMapPosition = SpawnMapPosition;
map.texture = Texture;
map.textureName = TextureName;
map.tileSize = TileSize;

map.tilesPerRow = tilesPerRow;

return map;

Next, navigate to the Content Type Reader region, and examine the
MapReader.Read method. Again, a number of lines have been underlined by the
compiler, signifying errors due to our removed data. Remove each of the lines,
including each loop that loads the missing lists of map objects. As with the Clone
method, you can check that the lines removed correlate exactly to the fields that
were removed earlier, and that all of that fields remaining are still read in. If you
have done this correctly, then the MapReader.Read method should look like this:
/// <summary>
/// Read a Map object from the content pipeline.
/// </summary>
public class MapReader : ContentTypeReader<Map>
protected override Map Read(ContentReader input,
Map existingInstance)
Map map = existingInstance;
if (map == null)
map = new Map();
map.AssetName = input.AssetName;
map.Name = input.ReadString();
map.MapDimensions = input.ReadObject<Point>();
map.TileSize = input.ReadObject<Point>();
map.SpawnMapPosition = input.ReadObject<Point>();
map.TextureName = input.ReadString();
map.texture = input.ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>(
map.tilesPerRow = map.texture.Width / map.TileSize.X;
map.BaseLayer = input.ReadObject<int[]>();
map.FringeLayer = input.ReadObject<int[]>();
map.ObjectLayer = input.ReadObject<int[]>();
map.CollisionLayer = input.ReadObject<int[]>();
foreach (MapEntry<Portal> portalEntry in map.PortalEntries)
portalEntry.Content = map.Portals.Find(
delegate(Portal portal)
return (portal.Name == portalEntry.ContentName);


return map;

We should be done with the data project, but lets use the compiler to check that for
us. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the data project node, and click Build. The
build should be successful and return no errors.

Stripping Down the Pipeline Types

Next, you have to clean up the Content Pipeline writer types for the data objects,
removing references to the now-missing data. First, you need to change how the
Content Pipeline stores the name of the types to read.
Open RolePlayingGameWriter.cs. This writer is the base type for all writers in the
RPG Sample, and its responsibility is to implement the runtime reader and type
names. These names are how the Content Pipeline knows which types to
instantiate when it loads a given .XNB binary file. The names are fully-qualified,
which means that they include the name of the assembly that they are found in. It
is probable your new data project is not named RolePlayingGameDataWindows or
RolePlayingGameDataXbox. If this is the case, you need to modify this code for the
new data project. Press Ctrl-H to replace names in this particular file, and replace
the term RolePlayingGameDataWindows with the name of your data project.
Next, you need to know what references to now-missing data need to be removed.
In the Solution Explorer, right-click the pipeline project node, and click Build. You
should see a number of compiler errors in the Error List window.
Double-click the first entry. This should take you to the MapWriter.Write method.
As with Map.Clone, remove all the lines that have been underlined.
Note: In some cases, all of the incorrect lines might not be underlined. If you only
see an underline under the currently selected line, double-click each of the entries
in the Error List window. This will force Visual Studio to underline the affected
When you finish, then the second half of MapWriter.Write method (the
output.Write calls, after the data validation) should look like this:


We should be done with the pipeline project, but lets use the compiler to check that
for us. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the pipeline project node, and click
Build. The build should be successful and return no errors.

Stripping Down the Map Content

You have removed the missing features from the copied code. Your next step is to
remove tags from the Map XML content files that reference those features.
Remove the following tags from the XML file, including the end tag, if any, and
content between the beginning and end tags, if any: <CombatTextureName>,
<MusicCueName>, <CombatMusicCueName>, <ChestEntries>,
<FixedCombatEntries>, <RandomCombat>, <QuestNpcEntries>,
<PlayerNpcEntries>, <InnEntries>, and <StoreEntries>. Repeat this modification
for both Maps\Map001.xml and Maps\Map002.xml.
With the Map type, related types, and content cleaned up, its time to move on to
the game project and fix the tile engine code itself.

Bringing the Tile Engine Under Control

To clean up the tile engine, you will have to remove references to code that was not
ported to the new game, just like the data and pipeline projects. Navigate to the
game project in the Solution explorer, and open TileEngine.cs.
The first step is to remove references to the Input Manager, which is a complex
input abstraction for the RPG Sample that might cause your game have more
complexity or exhibit a different functionality than you want. The tile engine code
that takes user input is well-localized; it is all in
TileEngine.UpdateUserMovement, in the Party region. Your game may not have
a party of player characters, but the functionality is the same. You may wish to
rename these methods and regions later. However, for consistency, the tutorial will
refer to their original names.
The new input-handling system will be gamepad-only, and it will use the left
thumbstick for moving the current player position.
First, add a using statement to the top of the function for the XNA Frameworks
Input namespace. While youre here, add an entry for the XNA Frameworks content
namespace, which you will need later. The new using-statement block, found at
the beginning of the code file, should look like this:
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using RolePlayingGameData;

Start your modifications of TileEngine.UpdateUserMovement by adding a call to

read the latest gamepad state to the beginning of the function:
private static Vector2 UpdateUserMovement(
GameTime gameTime)
Vector2 desiredMovement = Vector2.Zero;
GamePadState gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);

Then, replace each of the InputManager calls with equivalent comparisons to the
gamePadState variable. For example, this is the old code:
if (InputManager.IsActionPressed(InputManager.Action.MoveCharacterUp))

And this is the new code:

if (gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.Y > 0f)

The finished TileEngine.UpdateUserMovement should look like this:

/// <summary>
/// Update the user-controlled movement of the party.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The controlled movement for this update.</returns>
private static Vector2 UpdateUserMovement(
GameTime gameTime)
Vector2 desiredMovement = Vector2.Zero;
GamePadState gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
// accumulate the desired direction from user input
if (gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.Y > 0f)
if (CanPartyLeaderMoveUp())
desiredMovement.Y -= partyLeaderMovementSpeed;
if (gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.Y < 0f)
if (CanPartyLeaderMoveDown())
desiredMovement.Y += partyLeaderMovementSpeed;
if (gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.X < 0f)
if (CanPartyLeaderMoveLeft())

desiredMovement.X -= partyLeaderMovementSpeed;

if (gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.X > 0f)
if (CanPartyLeaderMoveRight())
desiredMovement.X += partyLeaderMovementSpeed;
if (desiredMovement == Vector2.Zero)
return Vector2.Zero;
return desiredMovement;

You need to make several other changes to the tile engine, but lets use the
compiler again to find those problems. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the game
project node, and click Build. You should see several compiler errors in the Error
List window.
Double-click the first entry in the Error List window, and you should be taken to
this line:
// adjust the map origin so that the party is at the center of the viewport
mapOriginPosition += viewportCenter - (partyLeaderPosition.ScreenPosition +

The error text states that Session does not exist, but the real error is that we are
no longer interested in a SourceOffset. This term is used by the tile engine to
ensure that the camera is pointing at the center of the player sprite, not its feet.
Remove that term and the operators that depend on it. The corrected code should
look like this:
// adjust the map origin so that the party is at the center of the viewport
mapOriginPosition += viewportCenter - partyLeaderPosition.ScreenPosition;

The next entry in the Error List window takes you to this line:
mapOriginPosition.Y += MathHelper.Max(
(viewport.Y + viewport.Height - Hud.HudHeight) (mapOriginPosition.Y + map.MapDimensions.Y * map.TileSize.Y), 0f);

As with the last one, the error text states that the Hud type does not exist, but the
real error is that we are no longer interested in that term. In the RPG Sample, the
bottom of the screen is taken up by a heads-up display with information about the
party. Thats not part of the new game, and the map display will take up the whole
screen. You need to remove that term. The corrected code should look like this:

mapOriginPosition.Y += MathHelper.Max(
(viewport.Y + viewport.Height) (mapOriginPosition.Y + map.MapDimensions.Y * map.TileSize.Y), 0f);

The third and final entry in the Error List window should take you to this line:
// check for anything that might be in the tile
if (Session.EncounterTile(mapPosition))

This line refers to a very important function in the RPG Sample,

Session.EncounterTile, which is defined in Session\Session.cs in the
RolePlayingGame project. This function checks a given tile for anything with which
the user can interact, and it responds appropriately. You need that functionality for
portals. However, you do not want to bring in all of Session.cs, so you will need to
add the functionality to the TileEngine class.
You will need a ContentManager object to load the map objects. The static
TileEngine does not have any way to retrieve one from the new games Game
object (the RPG Sample used the Session type to make a ContentManager object
available statically). At the top of the TileEngine class, add a public static
ContentManager field to the TileEngine, which the Game1 object will eventually
static class TileEngine
public static ContentManager ContentManager = null;

In your game, you may eventually make the content manager available to the tile
engine in another manner.
Return to the TileEngine.MoveIntoTile method. Above the if statement, add a
line to search for portals in the portal entry list, using the given position:
// search for portals in the new tile
MapEntry<Portal> portalEntry = map.PortalEntries.Find(
delegate(MapEntry<Portal> entry)
return (entry.MapPosition == mapPosition);
// check for anything that might be in the tile
if (Session.EncounterTile(mapPosition))

Then, change the if statement to check whether portalEntry is null, adding code
to handle the null case:
// search for portals in the new tile
MapEntry<Portal> portalEntry = map.PortalEntries.Find(
delegate(MapEntry<Portal> entry)
return (entry.MapPosition == mapPosition);

// if there is a portal, then move through it
if ((portalEntry != null) && (portalEntry.Content != null))
return false;

Next, we need to make sure that the map name in the portalEntry object is a valid
content path. If you have followed the directions to this point, then the map XML
files are in the Content\Maps subdirectory inside your game project. Add code
within the new if statement to make sure that the content name is correct:
// search for portals in the new tile
MapEntry<Portal> portalEntry = map.PortalEntries.Find(
delegate(MapEntry<Portal> entry)
return (entry.MapPosition == mapPosition);
// if there is a portal, then move through it
if ((portalEntry != null) && (portalEntry.Content != null))
// make sure the content name is valid
string mapContentName =
if (!mapContentName.StartsWith(@"Maps\"))
mapContentName = System.IO.Path.Combine(@"Maps", mapContentName);
return false;

Finally, add calls to load the new map and to TileEngine.SetMap, passing in the
new map and the new portal, if any:
// search for portals in the new tile
MapEntry<Portal> portalEntry = map.PortalEntries.Find(
delegate(MapEntry<Portal> entry)
return (entry.MapPosition == mapPosition);
// if there is a portal, then move through it
if ((portalEntry != null) && (portalEntry.Content != null))
// make sure the content name is valid
string mapContentName =
if (!mapContentName.StartsWith(@"Maps\"))
mapContentName = System.IO.Path.Combine(@"Maps", mapContentName);

// load the new map

Map newMap = ContentManager.Load<Map>(mapContentName);
return false;

We should be done with the pipeline project, but lets use the compiler to check that
for us. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the pipeline project node, and click
Build. The build should be successful and return no errors.

Hooking it Up
Congratulations! You have modified the RPG Sample code, and it builds all of the
types and content without any errors. Press F5 to start running your game.
Unfortunately, the game only renders the default CornflowerBlue background color.
This is because there is nothing in the Game implementation that makes use of the
Map or TileEngine types!
Open Game1.cs within the game project. First, add using lines to the top of the
file for the namespaces used by the tile engine (RolePlayingGame) and the data
types (RolePlayingGameData).
using RolePlaying;
using RolePlayingGameData;

If you choose to rename the namespaces as you added the files to match your own
project, then you might not need to do this.
Next, add a line of code to fill the ContentManager object in the TileEngine type:
public Game1()
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
// configure the content manager for the tile engine
TileEngine.ContentManager = Content;

You need to perform two actions in Game1.LoadContent:

1) Load the initial test map, and set it into the tile engine. There is no portal, so
pass in null for the new portal. This will use the spawn position defined
within the Map type.
2) Set the current viewport into the tile engine using the static Viewport
protected override void LoadContent()
// Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

// set the viewport for the tile engine

TileEngine.Viewport = graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
// load the initial map and set it into the tile engine
TileEngine.SetMap(Content.Load<Map>(@"Maps\\Map001"), null);

The tile engine needs to be updated. Call TileEngine.Update from

protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
// Allows the game to exit
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
// update the tile engine

Finally, the tile engine needs to be drawn. Add calls to begin and end the
SpriteBatch object, and draw the layers of the tile engine. You need to leave a
spot for any additional object rendering you might choose to add later. That spot
would fit between the base and fringe drawing and the object drawing. Thus, you
will need two DrawLayer calls:
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
// draw the tile engine
// draw the base and fringe layers
TileEngine.DrawLayers(spriteBatch, true, true, false);
// TODO: draw anything that goes on the map
// draw the object layer
TileEngine.DrawLayers(spriteBatch, false, false, true);

That should be all of the modifications necessary. Press F5 to run the game.

Lets Take This Tile Engine for a Spin!

Congratulations! You have modified the RPG Sample code. It builds all the types
and content without any errors, and the tile engine is running. You should see the
first map from the RPG Sample, and you can move around, scrolling the map.
Youll notice, however, that the tile engine does not always center the view on the
current position. It will stop scrolling to avoid showing anything beyond the
boundaries of the map. This can make it difficult to get your bearings. You can add
a small signifier at the current location, using
TileEngine.PartyLeaderPosition.ScreenPosition to get the actual screen
coordinates of the player position. Internally, that function uses the very useful
TileEngine.GetScreenPosition(Point mapPosition) static method to convert
between map coordinates and actual screen coordinates.
There are many ways to add a current-position marker. One way to add a simple
rectangle without adding new textures or resources is to clear a small rectangle at
the current position:
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
// draw the tile engine
// draw the base and fringe layers
TileEngine.DrawLayers(spriteBatch, true, true, false);
// TODO: draw anything that goes on the map
// -- for now, clear a small rectangle to white
// -- Clear cannot be called from within a SpriteBatch block
Vector2 position = TileEngine.PartyLeaderPosition.ScreenPosition;
Rectangle[] clearRects = new Rectangle[1];
clearRects[0] = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y,
20, 20);
graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear(ClearOptions.Target, Color.White,
0f, 0, clearRects);
// draw the object layer
TileEngine.DrawLayers(spriteBatch, false, false, true);

Now you can easily see that the current position is blocked by the collision layer,
when the tile engine scrolls, and when you reach the bottom of Map001 and move

to Map002. Be careful when moving to the southern end of the bridge on Map002.
Your game will probably attempt to load Map003, which you have not brought over.

We structured this tutorial to port the most functionality with the fewest steps. If
your game would benefit from AnimatingSprites, or any of the other functionality
in the game, then you can port more code over. Also, there are many useful
constants and other pieces of functionality to explore in the tile engine. Examine the
code and make whatever modifications your game needs.
The final step is to implement your own game, or to adapt these steps to add the
tile engine to your existing project. The RPG Sample provides you with a tile engine
that gives you a strong baseline for implementing your own two-dimensional game.

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