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Expressing a preference

‫ااااااا اا اااااا ااا اا‬

.(I'd much rather... (do) than... (do something else
...(‫)ااا‬.......... ‫اا اا اااا ا‬..(‫)ااا‬.....‫اااا اااا اا اااا ا‬..

I prefer... to ...........
...(.‫)ااا‬...........‫اا‬.....(‫ )ااا‬.......‫اااا‬.

I'd prefer to... (do )

.......... ‫ااا اااا اا‬

.I think... is much more interesting than .........
...( ‫)ااا‬.... ‫ااا( ااا اااا اا‬..).... ‫ااا ااااا‬
I don't find....... half as interesting as .........
.....(‫)ااا‬..‫اااا ااا‬...(‫ااا‬..).. ‫ااا اا ااا‬

.I like.... .....better than .....

(‫اااا اا )ااا‬..........( ‫)ااا‬... ‫ااا ااا‬

Making recommendations -
‫ااااا اااااااا‬
You mustn't miss the ...........
..............‫ااا اا اا ااااا‬.

You must go to the ...........

............ ‫ااا اا اااا ااا‬.

You've got to... (do )

....(‫)ااا‬........‫ااا اا اااا ا‬
You'll love the ...........
............‫ااا ااا‬..
.I wouldn't recommend the .............

.............‫ااا اا اااا ا‬..

You definitely wouldn't enjoy going to the .........
.............‫ااا اااااااا اا اااااا ااااااا ااا‬..

Offering something -
‫ااااا اا‬
Would you like ........... ?‫ا‬
‫ا‬............‫اا ااا اا‬.
What can I get you ?
‫اااا اااا ااا‬..
.Help yourself to ..........
..........‫اااا اااا اا‬.

Please have some ..........

...........‫اااا ااا اا‬.

Would you care for some ........... ?
‫ا‬............... ‫اا ااا اا اااا ااا اا‬
.Can I offer you .............. ?
‫ا‬.............‫اااا اااا اا‬

Can I get you a....... / anything ?

.‫اا اااا‬........‫اااا اااا اا‬..
Accepting something that's offered -
‫اااااااا ااا اا اا اا اااااا اااا‬
.Yes, please
‫ااا اا اااا‬

.Thank you very much

‫اااا ااااا‬

.That would be very nice

‫ااا ااااا ااااا ااا‬

.I'd like some... , please

‫اااا ااااا اا اااا‬

Declining something that's offered

‫ااا اااا اا اا اااا اااا‬
.I'm all right/I'm fine, thank you
‫ااا اااا ااااا‬

.No, thanks
‫اا اااا‬

.Not this time, thanks

‫ااا اا ااا ااااا اااا‬

.I'm not sure I could, thank you

‫ااا اااااا ااا اااااا اااا‬
Asking for advice
‫ااا ااااااا‬
What do you think I should do ?
‫ااا اااا اااا اااا‬
What would you do (if you were in my situation ) ?

‫اااا اااا اا ااا ااااا‬

What would you advise me to do ?
‫اااا اااااا اا ااااا‬
Giving advice
‫ااااا ااااااا‬
I think you should... (do )
......(‫)ااا‬..........‫ااااا ااا اااا‬
You could... (do )
...(‫)ااا‬.........‫اااااا اا‬
Why don't you... (do ) ?
......(‫)ااا‬........‫ااا اا اااا ا‬
If I were you, I'd... (do )?
.......(‫)ااا‬........‫اا ااا ااااا ااا ااااا ا‬
Have you tried... (doing ) ?
......(‫)ااا‬....... ‫اا ااااا اا‬

Asking for permission

‫ااا ااااا‬
Can I.../May I..., please ?
.............(‫)اا اااا‬. ...‫اا ااااااا اا‬
Do you mind if I ........... ?
.‫ا‬.............‫اا ااااا اا‬
.Mind if I ........... ?
‫ا‬...........‫ااااا اا‬
Any chance I could ............. ?
‫ا‬...........‫ااا اااا اااا ا‬
I wonder/I was wondering if I could .............. ?
‫ا‬...........‫ااا اااااا اا ااا اااااا اا‬
Would it be possible for me to ........... ?
‫ا‬............‫اا اا اااااا اا اااا ا‬
Do you have any objection if I ........... ?
...........‫اا اااا اا اااااا اا اا اااا ا‬..
Would it bother you if I .......... ?
‫ا‬..............‫اا ااااااا ااااا ا‬
Giving permission
‫ااااا ااااا‬
.Of course
.By all means
‫ااا ااااا‬
.Yes, that's OK/fine
‫ااا ااا ااا‬
You're welcome to ........
............‫ااا اااا اا ا‬..
Please feel free to ..........
...........‫اا ااااا اا اا‬..
Please don't hesitate to ..........
...........‫اا ااااا اا اا‬..
.Go ahead
‫اا ااا‬ Why not ?
Refusing permission -
‫ااا ااااا‬
.I'm afraid not. I'm sorry it's not possible... I'm afraid you can't
‫ااا ااا ااا ااا اااا اااا ااا اا اااااا اا اااا اااا‬
.I'm afraid that's out of the question
‫ااا ااا اااا اا اااااااا‬
COMMUNICATING IDEAS --------------------------------
( ‫ااا ااااااا ) ااااااااا ااااا‬
.I'd probably agree on that
‫ااا ااا اا اا اااا اا ااا‬
.I think that's probably right
‫ااااا ااا ااا اا اا اااا‬
.That's absolutely right
‫ااا اااا اااااااا‬
.Sure! That's exactly what I think
.I couldn't agree with you more
.That's what I think
Yes, but .......... ‫ااااا‬
...........‫ااا اااا‬..
True, but ...........
............ ‫ااااا اااا‬.
I see what you mean, but .........
...........‫ااا اااا اااا اااا‬..
.I suppose so, but .........
............‫ااا ااااا ااا اااا اااا‬..
Yes, but on the other hand ...........
.............‫ااا اااا اا ااااااا اااااا‬..
.I'm afraid I disagree / don't agree / can't agre .
‫ااا اا اااا ااا‬
.I'm not sure if that's strictly true
‫ااا ااا ااااا اا ااا ااا اااا‬
.You have a point there, but .........
...............‫ااا اا اااا ااا اااا‬

.Actually, I'm not sure if I agree with that

‫اا ااااااا ااا ااا ااااا اا ااا اااااا اا ااا‬
Asking what someone thinks -
‫ااااااا ااا ااا اا‬
What do you think ?
‫اا ااااا‬
What do you reckon ?
‫اااا اااااا‬
What's your opinion about/of ......... ?
‫ا‬........‫اا اااا اا‬
What's your position on
‫ا‬..........‫اا ااااا اا‬
What's your reaction to ..........?
‫ ا‬.........‫اا اا اااا ااا‬
What's your take on ......... ?
‫ا‬...........‫اا ااااا ااا‬
Do you have any thoughts on ........... ?
‫ا‬..........‫اا اااا اا اااااااا ااا‬

Stating consequences
‫ااااااا اا ااااا ااااااا‬
As a result ........
........‫ااااااا ا‬..
.Consequently ........
Because of this .........

.........‫اااا ااا‬..
Due to .......(cause ) ..........
......(‫)اااا ااا‬......... ‫اااا ااا‬
Expressing two points of view
‫ااااااا اا ااااا ااا‬
On the one hand..., on the other hand ......
...........‫ااا ااااا اااا‬...................‫اا ااااا‬
Although I'd..., I certainly wouldn't .......
.... ‫ااا اااااااا اا‬......... ‫اااااا اا ااا‬
While I might..., I don't think I'd ..........
........‫اا ااااا ااا ااا‬................ ‫ااااا ااا ااا‬
Of course I'd..., but I'm not sure if I'd .........
........‫ااااا ااا ااااا اا ااا ااا‬.......... ‫اااااا ااا ااا اا‬
There's no doubt that it would..., but there's also a chance it might
..........‫اااا اااا اااا اااا ااا‬....‫اا اااا اا اا اا اا ااا‬

Giving examples
For example .......... ‫ااااا ااااااا‬
................‫ااا اااا اااااا‬.
For instance ...........
.One example of this is ...........
............... ‫ااااا ااا ااا‬.
To give you an idea .........
....‫ااا اااا اااا‬
.Look at the case of ..........
................‫اااااا ااا اااا‬.
Take, for example ..........
..........‫اا اااا‬.
Let' say ..........
.............‫اااا اااا‬.
Justifying your opinions
( ‫ااااا ااااا ) ااااا ااااااا‬
Personally, I (don't) think... because .........
..............‫ااا ااااا اا ااااا ااا ااا‬
Let's (not)... because .......
.........‫ااا‬............‫اااا اا اااا ا‬
In my opinion, I (don't) feel... because ..........
.....‫ااا‬............. ‫اا اااا ااا ااااااا‬
I would definitely (not)... because ..........
.......... ‫ااا‬....(‫)اااا ااا‬......‫اااااااا‬
It would be better to... as .........
....‫ااا‬....( ‫)ااا‬.....‫اا اااااا اا‬
I (don't) feel that it's important to... as
..............‫ ااا ااا‬....(‫)ااا‬.. ‫ااا اا اااا اا‬...
Linking what you're saying
‫ااااا ااا اا اااا‬
Anyway ........
‫ااا اا ااا‬
True, but ..........
..............‫اااا اااا‬..
As a matter of fact ..........
............‫اا ااااااا‬.
you know ......
.........‫ااااا اا‬
‫ااااا‬ believe me ...
.But don't you agree that ......
............‫اااا اا اا اااا ااا‬.
Yes, but I'm sure you'd agree that ...........
...............‫ااا ااااا ااااا ااا اااااا ااا‬.
Don't you think that
..............‫ااا ااااا اا‬.
Presenting an opinion
‫ااا اااا ااا‬
............‫ااا ااااا ااااا اا‬.. .Personally, I think that .........
. It seems to me that ..........
..............‫اااا اا اا‬..
From my point of view .........
...............‫اا اااا اااا‬..
In my opinion ..........
..............‫اا اااا‬.
Speculating -
...It's difficult to say exactly but I suppose it could be ‫اااااا‬
................ ‫اا ااااااا ااااا اااااا اااا ااااا ااا اااا اا‬.
.I'm not sure but it might be ..........
..............‫ااا ااا اااااا اااا اااا اا‬.
.It can't be... because .........
..........‫ااا‬........... ‫اا اااا اا‬
It must be... because ...........
........‫ااا‬..........‫اااا اا‬
I would guess ..........
...............‫ااا ااااا‬.
So what it comes down to is ...........
...............‫ااااا اا اااا ااا ااا اا‬.
The point I'm trying to make is ........
................‫اااااا اااا ااااا اا اااااا اا‬.
.Let me just recap what's been said so far
‫اااا اااا اا اا اااا‬
In short
To sum up
............‫ااا اااا‬.
.Overall, it would seem that ...........
..............‫اجماليا يبدو ان‬.

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