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12 Mark Question

Why did Roosevelt win the 1932 Elections?

In 1932, America was in the grip of a depression far worse than ever
experienced before under the presidency of Hoover, which is why when
the elections drew closer, its was mixture of Roosevelts actions, Hoovers
mistakes and the presidential campaigns of both that ultimately led
Roosevelt, a democratic candidate, to victory.
Roosevelt was the first American president to use the media and press to
freely and openly communicate with the people. This forthrightness and
charismatic approach was a change from Hoover, a republican candidate,
who assumed that the American economy would solve itself, and didnt
believe in interference (a laissez faire policy).
Some of Hoovers policys like rugged individualism and higher tariffs,
reduced international trade and worsened the economy. By the end of
1932, one third of the nation's workers were unemployed, farm income
declined considerably, destroying mountains of surplus crops that they
couldn't sell on the market because prices had collapsed? All of which
finally drove the American people to blame Hoover for their state, and
ultimately increasing Roosevelts chances.
Roosevelt promised the country a 'new deal', which appealed to many
Americans who people were prepared to risk the change in style of
government-they had nothing to loose. Roosevelt intended to create jobs
by spending more money. The people of America were now given a new
hope from Roosevelt. So in November 1932 despite being paralyzed from
the waist down, Roosevelt was elected president.

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