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LoL Domination

Written By: The Game Dude

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Back To Basics ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Leveling Up ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Level 1-10 .............................................................................................................................................. 5
What champions should I use? ......................................................................................................... 5
What runes should I buy? ................................................................................................................. 6
What mastery builds are best? ......................................................................................................... 6
What should I focus on learning? ..................................................................................................... 7
Level 11-20 ............................................................................................................................................ 8
What champions should I use? ......................................................................................................... 8
What runes should I buy? ................................................................................................................. 8
What mastery builds are best? ......................................................................................................... 9
What should I focus on learning? ................................................................................................... 10
Level 21-30 .......................................................................................................................................... 10
What champions should I use? ....................................................................................................... 10
What runes should I buy? ............................................................................................................... 11
What is the fastest way to get xp. ................................................................................................... 12
Low Ranked Elo ....................................................................................................................................... 14
What wins games? .............................................................................................................................. 14
Mid Ranked Elo ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Don't take my goose eggs charlie!! (Not Starving your carries) ......................................................... 15
Laning techniques (bruising(offensive), denying, and hugging) ......................................................... 15
High Ranked Elo ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Good players play like pansies ............................................................................................................ 16
Be versatile .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Roaming .............................................................................................................................................. 17


What is Roaming? ........................................................................................................................... 17

What Types of Roamers are there? ................................................................................................. 17
Summoner Spells ............................................................................................................................ 20
Positioning (team fights) ..................................................................................................................... 21
Ward baiting ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Map Specifics .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Summoners Rift ................................................................................................................................... 22
Creep Spawn timers ........................................................................................................................ 22
Twisted Treeline .................................................................................................................................. 22
Creep Spawn timers ........................................................................................................................ 22


I began playing League Of Legends in Jan of 2010. Since then I have played almost 2500 games. If you
multiply that times the average length of a game of LOL, that comes to nearly 1500 hours of game
played time.

I am glad that you have taken action in order to improve your league play. Keep in mind that by doing
so you have set yourself apart in the world of gamers. A lot of people play games, few excel in them,
and fewer yet actually take the time and energy to learn what it takes to become more than just
average. In this guide I am going to teach you the tips and tricks that you need to improve your playing
skills. I am going to start with the beginners and move up in skill as the guide progresses.

This guide is going to break down topics into steps that you can apply to your gaming TODAY. Just
remember that Rome was not built in a day and neither will the next all-star gamer. However with
enough time, dedication, and the correct knowledge you too can become that gamer.

Take the topics in this guide and dedicate enough time to each one so that you can master them. If
you have trouble last hitting for instance, use the tips provided and practice them until you feel that
you are above average in last hitting. Set goals for yourself and try to break them. This will show you if
you are actually improving.

So with that, lets get started.


Back To Basics
Have you ever heard of the story about the football coach? It is a great story that teaches a
lesson that can be applied to any game. As gamers we should all pay close attention to this. The story
goes like this.
Back in the day of a coach by the name go Vince Lombardi, the Green Bay packers were
starting their preseason training. Most of the players
dreaded the encounter with their new coach as he had a
narly reputation. At the start of the first practice all of
the players were lined up along the edges of the locker
room. Coach Lombardi walks to the front and gives one
of the most famous football quotes of all time. He holds
out a pigskin in his right hand and boldly states to his
team, "Gentlemen, this is a football". In that one
statement the coach summarizes all of what the next few months were going to be about. It was time
to get back to basics.
The coach teaches us that no matter how good or bad we are at something, we need to
regularly step back and focus on the main goal of our efforts. In League Of Legends, that goal is to
destroy the enemy nexus. That's it! It doesn't matter how many killing blows you have, how many
deaths you have, your creep score, how bad any of
your team mates are, who on your team actually
destroys the nexus, or even if you had an afk team
mate. No matter what the circumstances are, if the
enemy nexus dies before yours does you win. So...
That is where we are going to focus. Everything
that you do must done in order to accomplish this goal.
The destruction of the enemy nexus is like you wining
the super bowl. It is your reason for playing. It is for
all intents and purposes, your purpose in lol.
To destroy the enemy nexus and win at lol you must first kill at least one line of towers and one


inhibitor. You do not need to actually even kill any champions!(even though champ kills do help) The
general rule of thumb in gauging the priority of an objective is as follows.

Nexus>Inhibitor>Baron>Tower>Dragon>Champion Kill>Red/Blue Buff

Now this is just a general rule of thumb, as the game progresses the value of a champion kill
actually increases. At some point in the late part of the game the loss of even one champion can be a
bigger set back than the other team getting the baron buff.

Leveling Up
Knowing what I know now, if I were to start at level one again I would do things way differently
than I did. If you are just starting out, you may be tempted to drop some hard cold cash on xp boosters.
But let me warn you. This is a very bad route to go. The leveling up process is great as it pits you
against people that are also learning the game. If you buy xp boosters you will be thrown into higher
and higher skilled players. If you are learning the game, the last thing you need is to be playing players
who have a hundred games on you.
Use this time to really learn what the game is all about. Learn what all of the items do, how expensive
they are and experiment with some basic fundamentals such as movement speed.

What is the fastest way to get xp?

When you are below level 10, you gain 100% of the possible xp and ip you can earn from
practice games. You should spend a majority of your time in these games so you can easily win games
and get the bonus xp/ip. After lvl 10 and as you level up, you gain much less xp from practice games.
Use them while you can!

Level 1-10
What champions should I use?
When you first start out, your first challenge
will be deciding what champion to play. Let me give you a hint, use a champion who's main job is to
auto attack. Champs that fit this role are Sivir, Warwick, [more champs list]. You should pick them


because they do not take a great deal of micro management in order to make them effective, but this
will free up a lot of your brainpower so that you can focus on map awareness, last hitting, and not
dieing. So choose a champ, and stick with him or her for your first 10 levels. Do not switch around. I
What runes should I buy?
It is a pretty popular belief that no one should by any tier 1 or tier 2 runes because it is
considered a waste of money. Fact is, tier one runes are the best bang for your buck! With the cost
of them being only a fraction of the cost of a tier three rune while also providing nearly 50% of the
bonus that tier three runes give you, it would be silly not to get tier one runes.
My advice is this.

Do not buy any more rune pages until you are lvl 30.

One rune page should be dedicated for physical champs.

tier 1 armor pen red runes.

tier 1 dodge or armor runes.

tier 1 magic resist/level runes.

tier 1 hp quintessence.

The other rune page should be for magic champs.

tier 1 magic pen red runes.

tier 1 magic regeneration runes.

tier 1 cool down runes.

tier 1 hp quintessence.

What mastery builds are best?

The best mastery builds that you can have at below level 10 change depending on what actual
level you are.

Level 1 Put a point into a summonor skill that you plan on using.

Level 2-4 Next put points into Improved crit strike, and a summoner skill mastery .

Level 5-8 Drop your points and put them as follows. 1 into improved ghost or teleport, 3 into

The manna regeneration mastery, and then the rest into improved xp gain per level. (After level 8
always keep points into xp gain per level. )

Level 8-10 Put the next two points into manna regeneration.


What should I focus on learning?

Early on, you should focus on these three areas.
Last hitting
Last hitting is the art of performing the killing blow on enemy minions. We do this for two
simple reasons. One is that it is one of the best ways for you to get gold! Second is that once you get
good at it, last hitting allows you to better control
the flow of the lane. For instance if the enemy
team are being tough and harassing you a lot,
only performing killing blows (aka last hitting) will
drag the enemy minion waves closer to your
tower. This will prevent the enemy team from
easily setting up ganks on you and allow you to
safely stay in lane.
Not Dying
There is a sang that goes around in higher end play that goes like this. Good players play like
pansies and it is so true! When you die you help out the enemy team in so many awe full ways. You
give them a heap of gold, xp, and time away from defending turrets and teammates. So how do you
remedy that???
First thing is that you should always have health potions or some other form of significant
regeneration. You will get harassed. Plan for it. Make sure you use your potions whenever you are
down enough life to make it worthwhile. Usually that is about 300 hp below max. If you are about to
go into a fight with an enemy champ, do not hesitate to pot a potion right before you begin fighting.
The added health it provides may just be the reason why you win.
Speaking of champion fighting, do not commit to a fight unless you are 100% sure you are
going to win it. Doing so will frustrate your enemies and force them to commit more often than they
should. They will mess up or make a mistake. This is your time to strike. Throw everything you have at
them and ensure the kill.
Downing turrets
The last topic to talk about is downing turrets. Downing turrets can be done several ways. You


can whittle it down piece by piece with the enemy champion there, you can bring a buddy champion
to attack it with you and force the enemy away from it, you can kill the enemy champion and lay siege
to the tower, or you can kill the turret when the enemy team is distracted elsewhere on the map. How
you down the turret will change depending on the flow of the game. Knowing when to attack a turret
is key. Do not attack the turret when the enemy has one or more champions missing from the
minimap. Doing so can be very dangerous. Instead, wait until the enemy team has has committed a
large number of their players to another lane. Then, if your team is able to hold them off, throw
everything you have at that tower.

Level 11-20
What champions should I use?
By this level you should have enough experience with your current champion that you can play
around a bit and figure out how other champions play. The key to a win in league of legends is your
knowledge of the other opponents and their champions. After you hit level 11, play as
many different types of champions that you can. Your goal is to learn the abilities of
other champions and how they are used. Knowing for instance how long a Sion can
stun you for (it is 1.5seconds by the way) is essential if you plan on dominating him in your lane play.
Riot gives you 10 champs to play a week. If you spend three weeks experimenting with other champs,
this will give you roughly 30 champions that you can learn without having to drop IP on them.
What runes should I buy?
Keep buying level one runes. At level 20 your rune sheets should look like this.

One rune page should be dedicated for physical champs.

tier 1 armor pen red runes.

tier 1 dodge or armor runes.

tier 1 magic resist/level runes.

tier 1 hp quintessense.

The other rune page should be for magic champs.

tier 1 magic pen red runes.

tier 1 magic regen runes.

tier 1 cooldown runes.

tier 1 hp quintessense.


What mastery builds are best?

Just like when you were below level 10, the masteries you should choose between the levels of
11 and 20 are very dependent on what level you are and the type of champion you are playing. I am
going to show you three different mastery builds to use depending on whether you are playing a
physical dps, tank, or caster.

The goal in setting up masteries for a caster is to supplement two basic parts of your champion.
First off, since most casters use manna in order to do damage you need to buff the mana regeneration
of your caster. To improve your caster's manna regeneration we will spend a total of 11 points into the
utility tree. Max out imp ghost, perseverance, awareness, and meditation.

The second part we want to buff is the physical resistances. Casters normally have very low

physical damage mitigation and most players in the 10-20 range will deal a majority of physical
damage. In order to improve your survivability we will spend the remaining points into the defense
tree. Grab Hardiness (3/3), Resistance (1/3) Evasion (4/4) and finally Nimbleness (1/1).

You can see the whole tree here

As a tank, your goal is obvious. Your job is to mitigate damage. Both physical and magical. We
are going to set up the mastery tree in order to reflect this. Like I mentioned, most damage you will
take will be physical. Not that people cannot do magic damage, it is just that at these levels most
people don't know how to do significant amounts of it yet.

We are going to focus almost solely on the defense tree. Max out Hardiness, Resistance, Mend

Strength of Spirit, Evasion, Harden Skin, Nimbleness, and put (2/4) points into Veteran's Scars.

You can see the whole tree here.
Physical Carry

If you fancy carry type champions, then this is the place for you. We are going to buff your
attack as much as possible. For the 11-20's you are going to spend most of your points in the offense
tree. The best way for you to do damage is to gear for damage and get about a 30% crit rate.

In the offense tree, grab (3/3) Deadliness, (1/1) Cripple, (4/4) Alacrity, (2/4) Sorcery, (3/3)


Sunder, () Offensive, (3/3) Brute Force, and most importantly, (3/3) Lethality.

Here is the whole tree
What should I focus on learning?
General Champion knowledge
Like mentioned above, the time between 10 and 20 is your time to experiment and try to learn
as much general knowledge about the game as you can. Play many many different champions and
learn how they work, who they are strong against, and who they are weak against. Don't focus on
winning necessarily. If you play a game and you feel that you have a good understanding of the
champs that you played against, then consider the game a win.
Map awareness
The second thing to focus your learning on is use of the minimap. You need to have map
awareness! Pay attention to what is going on in the parts of the game that are more than just a screen
length away from your champion. Make it a habit to buy at least 3 wards a game and play around with
their placement. Then examine how much information each ward gives you about the enemy
champions. If they have a jungler for instance, a ward can give you the much needed warning in order
to prevent them from a gank on you.
Item and Summoner Skills
The third thing to learn is how each item and summer skill works and when they are used best.
What does clairvoyance do? How does a banshee vail help my champion out and what does that
bubble that it gives around my champion do? These are the questions you should be asking yourself.

Level 21-30
What champions should I use?
At this point you should have a fairly good understanding of what each champion does, its role
in League of Legends, and what their role is in the game. So here comes the fun part. Now you need to
set up a lineup of champions that you are going to become proficient with. To be the most effective
League player you can be, you need to be able to balance out your team in the areas that it is lacking.
Most teams require that there is one tank, 1 physical dps, 1 magical dps, 1 jungle, and 1 support. You
should have at least one champion that can fullfill each one of these roles in which you are good with.


Here is a sample lineup that you could use. These champions are some of the better choices

for each role.


Physical DPS- Ashe/Sivir/Nocturne


Magical DPS- Morgana/ Vladimir/Malzahar


Tank- Rammus/Amumu/Shen


Support- Zilean/Janna/Nidalee


Jungle- Warwick/Udyr/Xin Zhao

What runes should I buy?

Now it is time to start creating your lvl 30 rune books. Rule of thumb here is, if you do not have
a rune slot filled, fill it first with a lvl 3 rune. If you cannot afford a lvl 3 rune to fill it then fill it with a
lvl 1 rune. Do not leave a rune slot open! If you stick to just two rune books then fill them out like we
mentioned in the above level guides.

One rune page should be dedicated for physical champs.

tier 3 armor pen red runes.

tier 3 dodge or armor runes.

tier 3 magic resist/level runes.

tier 3 hp quintessense.

The other rune page should be for magic champs.

tier 3 magic pen red runes.

tier 3 magic regen runes.

tier 3 cooldown runes.

tier 3 hp quintessense.

If you can afford a third rune page than you should use one for a specific champion that you

would like to use as your main. This will require some research in order to find out what runes your
specific champion needs.

If you need help deciding on what types of runes you should focus on buying, try to get these

runes first as most champions however will use a combination of the following runes.

Red (9 of each)-Armor Pen, Attack Speed, Magic Pen


Yellow (9 of each)- Flat Armor, Dodge, Mana Regeneration


Blue (9 of each)- Magic Resistance per level, Mana Regeneration, Cooldown Reduction



Quintessence (3 of each)- Hp, Movements Speed, Armor Pen, Magic Pen

What mastery builds are best?

At this point, mastery builds depend largly on the champion you are playing and their role. Follow
these general guidelines for champions in each role.

Physical DPS- Shoot for a 21/0/9 build. For the most part the 21 point Havoc is a must have for

DPS. You never know when that added 5% damage will mean the difference between an enemy that
dies or that gets away from ya. (in case you were wondering Havoc applies to everything... Even Ignite)

Magical DPS- Magic DPS should shoot for a 9/0/21 build. The cool down reduction, mana

regeneration and spell resistance reduction works wonders in beefing up their damage.

Tank- To tank properly most champions need to use a 0/21/9 build. This build emphasizes the

more tanky masteries while giving them a slight mana regeneration bonus in the utility tree.

Jungle/Support- Support champs usually go a similar build to a jungler. As by nature they are

usually squishy and need some defense masteries in order to stay alive during any focus fire they may
get. Both Junglers and Supports usually need to split their masteries almost evenly between the
Defense and Utility tree.
Some common builds are a 0/17/13 build for junglers and a 0/12/18 for supports.

What is the fastest way to get xp.

The fastest way to get xp and ip at this stage of the game is to simply win games. Partner with friends
(only if they are good!) in order to increase your chances of having a win. Get at least one win every
day so that you can cash out on your daily bonus for xp and ip.

What should I focus on learning?


Working as a team


How to jungle


Counter Gearing


Map Control


Being good with your 'lineup'

These levels are critical as they are what will be the foundation for your more advanced lvl 30


gameplay. The number one skill that I am going to talk about is your role in establishing teamwork.
Just as the old adage goes, there is no I in team. You need your teammates if you want to win. No
matter how good or bad they are you cannot do it without them. So what I am going to teach is how
you can be a team facilitator and turn a random group of 5 people into a well-oiled killing machine.
Where does teamwork begin? Well the simple answer is in the chat room of the champion selection
screen. Think of every word you say as affecting the % chance that you have of winning the game. If
you start the game off by blasting someone about the champion they selected it will dramatically
decrease your chance of winning. It discourages teamwork and will undermine your goal of a win".
So like you mother used to say, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Teamwork involves much more than speaking however. The actual champion selection is a reflection
of your teamwork skills as well. If you are affluent in a champions that can supply a team's need for
the various roles then you are a much more valuable teammate than someone who is only capable in
a physical dps lets say. Play to the team's needs and not your own will increase your win percentage
substantially. If you team needs a tank, for gods sake play a tank!
In Game Communication Is KEY! An old count strike buddy used to tell me when we played in
tournament play, Communication is the key to a win. If you move your nuts from your left hand to
your right hand, I want to hear about it. Do not be afraid of telling your team too much. If you are
going to leave your lane, or an enemy leaves your lane let your team know! Nothing is more
frustrating to your teammates than losing a tower only because you didn't make mention that you
were leaving your lane for ten minutes.
If you are going to do dragon, tell your team and have them help you. There is so much power in a
team that is communicating well that you would be a fool not to focus on it.
Jungling is an important skill for any summoner. If you do not know what it is then you need to
get out of that box you live in! Jungling is basically killing jungle creeps as a way to gain xp and gold
instead of going into a lane. Each champion jungles way different and must be practiced with in order
to get it down good. A practice game is the best place to learn how to jungle as it provides the most
realistic safe environment for you to jungle. Remember that the strength of the jungle creeps is
calculated off of the level of the highest champion in the game. So a practice game against bots works


well as the creeps will scale more realistically than in a game where you are the only person in it.
Counter Gearing
Counter Gearing is a simple concept but one that should be mastered by every league player. It
is pretty simple. When you die, open up your death log and see what kind of damage you are taking
from the enemy. If you are dieing from mostly magic damage, then gear for some magic resist. If you
are dieing to mostly physical attacks than stack some armor or a blademail. Doing so will increase your
survivability and effectiveness in game.
Map control
A whole guide could be written on Map control. Map control is gathered by limiting knowledge
of the enemy team of your position while increasing your knowledge of the enemy team players
positions. If you know where all of the enemy champs are, while they don't know where any of your
champs are you most likely have complete map control. If the opposite is true and you have no idea
where any of the enemy team is and they know exactly where all of your team is then you have little
map control.
Map control is gained by overpowering and owning objectives (such as turrets, baron, blue buff, red
buff, and dragon), by being stronger than the enemy team, and by having more of the map visible via
wards, creeps, and champions. The more map control you have the better you can force the enemy
team to engage in unfavorable team fights.

Low Ranked Elo

What wins games?
So what actually wins games in low ranked elo you ask? Well the answer to this may be easier
than you think. Typically low ranked elo is plagued by players who are typically unskilled or forign. In
this bracket all it takes is one good player to turn the tide of a battle. Penta kill twitches are so
common here. The best way to win low elo games and get yourself into the mid ranked elo is to play a
carry champion. These guys can single handedly carry a low elo game by using champions such as
twitch and yi. Once these champions get on a roll, the only way to really stop them is for the enemy
team to disable and focus fire them. Low elo players are known for their inability to focus fire and
disable high threat targets. Use this to your advantage!


Mid Ranked Elo

Don't take my goose eggs Charlie!! (Not Starving your carries)
The two most common mistakes made in middle ranked elo (aside from lack of communication
as mentioned earlier in the guide) is that they have a habit of starving their carries of gold and/or
employing lane techniques incorrectly.
Starving your carry is when a heavy pushing champion such as Mordekaiser farms massive
amounts of creeps when his own carry is struggling to get money. Champions such as Mordekaiser
typically do not need a ton of gold and items to be effective. Whereas the opposite is true for carries
such as Master Yi. If you are playing a non-item dependent character such as Mordekaiser make sure
you back off from the creep kills once you have a couple of your core items. Allow your carry to get
those damage items that your team needs. It will make a much bigger difference in team fights.

Laning techniques (bruising(offensive), denying, and hugging)

The second mistake that mid rank elo players make is that they tend to use laning techniques
at incorrect times. Currently there are three major laning techniques.
The first is called bruising. It is an aggressive laneing technique that relys on heaving harassing
and tower attacking in order to try to push the enemy tower down as fast as possible. Doing so puts
yourself in a very vulnerable position should the enemy have a competent jungler or roamer. The best
time to use this is when the enemy team does not have a jungler or if you keep the river entrance to
your lane warded.
The second technique is known as denying. The goal of this technique is to only last hit your
minions and then stand between the enemy creeps and champions. If they get close your job is to
harrass them in order to make them retreat. This will zone them out of experience range of your
minions and hopefully prevent them from gaining experience. The only time to use this is if you are in
a 2v1 situation or if the enemy team is very susceptible to being denied by your champion.
Tower Hugging
The last technique is called tower hugging. If the enemy team is are being dicks, then the best
course of action is to play as close to your tower as possible. Use it as a shield and play annoyingly


defensive. More times than not the enemy team will get frustrated by your passive playing and make
the mistake of trying to tower dive you. Just throw an exhaust on them or something and donkey
punch their face in.

High Ranked Elo

Good players play like pansies
If you watch or talk to any high end player they will tell you that being good at league is like
playing a game of chess. Everything is strategy. Your goal is to play as defensively as possible and wait
for the enemy to make a mistake. Then when you do (say they over extend, commit too many people
to one lane, or don't place wards), you exploit that for all that it is worth. You have to punish the
enemy when they screw up. It will condition them to play timidly and not challenge you as you try to
take objectives. For instance, if an enemy in a lane is overextending, rotate over there and attempt a
gank on them. Even if you do not secure the kill you will let them know that you are there and waiting
for them to screw up.
If the enemy commits too many people to a lane, say they stack 3 people mid, have 2 people
bot, and your mid is holding them off no problem, your job is to push the open top lane as hard as
possible. This will force the enemy team to fall back on stacking mid and possibly give you a free tower
kill. You can apply the same thought on killing dragon and baron. If the enemy commits too many
resources on any objective and your team is able to hold them off with less people than what they are
attacking with, take an objective on the other side of the map.

Be versatile
Now since you have a lineup that I mentioned earlier in the guide, you should have no problem
being versatile. Being versatile will make you an asset for your team! Think of it like a chess match. If
on your side of the board you have nothing but knights then the other team will simply have to pick a
ton of rooks in order to stomp you into submission. The best chess setup is to have just the right
combination of pieces. Each contributing a separate but equally important roll to the team. If your
team needs a tank, for gods sake play a tank. If your team is lacking a physical dps, switch your magic
dps char for a physical one. It is a basic concept but you would be amazed at how many people don't
do this because they either don't care, or they are just bad.


Here comes my in depth guide on Roaming
What is Roaming?
Roaming is when one champ on a team instead of farming a lane early games works to harass/aid all 3
lane creating a 2nd or 3rd solo lane, creating a strong mid game team.
What Types of Roamers are there?
There are two types of Roamers. The first are called harassers and the second are called medics.
Gankers: Champions that excell in ganks and harrassing. They will assist the three lanes by adding the
extra ganking power that a lane may need.
Medics: Medics are support champs who will jump lanes to counter the other teams harassment to
keep there team mate in lane longer

What are the goals of a Roamer

1 To aid your team anyway you can (harass/heal)
2 To add more map awareness
3 To counter Jungle
4 To gank
5 to counter gank
6 To aid you jungler (go with him to dragon or stealing blue from across the water ect ect)

What does a champ need to be an effective roamer?

All Roamers need a level of item Independence as you will have little to no early game creep kills
A strong mid game farming ability is also very useful for a roamer
Harassers: Need a strong early game gank.
Medic: A healing ability
Roamer Tierlist (formerly Who are some know roamers?)
S Rank: these champs can do everything a roamer needs to do effectively, and have very little bad
effect from for little to no early game farming/leveling
A Rank: these are effective roamers who lack the ability To recover like Tier S champs
B Rank: these champs are viable roamers but seem to lack the same game impact as higher tiers


C Rank: these champs have the ability to roam but have a hard time recovering from the lack of farm
D Rank: these are camps that have Ability to do some roaming but would probably hurt the team in
the long run. probably

Rank S: Alistair, Maokai, Taric,
Rank A: Twitch, Cho'gath, Evelynn, Poppy, Singed,
Rank B: Zilean, Janna, Nunu, Gragas, amumu
Rank C: Blitzcrank, Nidalee, Sion, Dr,mundo
Rank D: Shen Kayle

Rank S: Soraka,
Rank A:Nidalee, Taric
Rank D: Kayle

I feel S A and B can effectively Roam. where C and D, might work well as part time roamers but are
probably best off in lane or jungle farming, and please if you don't like where a champ is on my tier list
tell me why and we see about moving him/her. if there some one you want me to test please tell me
as well
Champ Select
Most players don't really plan on there being a Roamer in there team so as soon as you get to Champ
select inform your team of you plan to Roam. There being a Roamer on the team opens up an other
solo lane so when champs are selected your team will need to shy away from champs that they are
less affective in a solo or 1v2 lane with.
this will also open up communication with your team that will make you Roaming alto more effective
Start of Game
First things first defend your Jungler. Second, if your starting items give you gold for a ward pick it up
and put near the other teams blue or red buff to set up an early jungle gank. Third, pick a lane soak a


little exp,(if you team doesn't have a jungler go top lane for dragon control) but do not to farm very
much as its not your lane and that gold belong to your team mate.
Early game
Gankers: At about level 2 or 3 you find you harassing and/or ganking skills are ready and its
time for you to punish the other team for harassing you teammates you need to try and harass every
lane and gank when able (talk with you jungler to set up double ganks) when you see no clear place to
harass go kill a creep in the other teams jungle or try to gank their jungler (thanks to that handy ward
you see him starting red/blue fight) and place some wards also when ever a teammate need to shop
you get to take over there lane farm up a bit and soak some more exp
Medic: when ever you see a teammate take a good amount of harassment switch lanes and
spam your heal on them so they can keep farming and not have to bluepill and place some wards also
from time to time. Healing your jungler is a nice little way to help speed up his exp but the lanes come
Learning to soak effectively well help your roaming a great bit. Along with counter jungling this will
keep you getting EXP, the best trick to soaking is to get to a lane just as the first minion dies and leave
just after the last one dies in a wave, then move to the next lane at the start of the next wave. This is
the idea but your probably not going to end up with this every time, the true trick to roaming is being
able to time soaks w/o taking to much exp from the laner (the laner will lose 45% of the exp when you
are soaking). The best rule of thumb I can come up with is to wait until the last creep in a creep wave
dies before moving on, unless you can see an easy Gank or an other lane need you right then and
Late early game early mid game:
At this point the solo lanes are going to have out farmed and out leveled the other team, and many of
them are going to want to try and take over the job of ganking or maybe team up and push a lane.
This is your que as a roamer to take over the defending of that lane and get some much need exp and
farming in so that once team fight start your not behind
Mid to late game:
Your roaming time is over. Now start working your primary job in that team. Work team fight, push
lanes win the game, with you beefy team mates.


Summoner Spells
Flash - Probably the best Spell in the game atm for any champ if your not where you want to be it
moves you.
Ghost - All around great spell for roamers can help you get the gank or get out of harms way.
Exhaust - A great skill to inc the likeliness of your gank becoming a kill or tp help you escape.
Ignite -I only take this to help counter champs i.e. vlad, mundo, ect but it can also help in a gank. I
would not personally take Exhaust over this and never take both do to the lack of get out of jail free
card from flash and ghost
Clairvoyance - This will help your team have more map awareness and can save your team life. Its
always good for 1 member of the team to have this skill and not a bad idea for the roamer to be that
Teleport - Make you roamer Global is a must for medics. Spam heal, blue pile, then teleport back with
full mana to heal the next champ, for Harassers it give you some unbelievable gank options you
wouldn't have other wise. You can also teleport to these wards if there is no other target nearby to
teleport to.
Fortify This skill is too defensive for a roamer. If you need this ability then you already have a weak
Smite - This can be a game changing skill in the hands of a skill counter jungler, use it to kill the big
wrath at he start of the game or steal the blue buff. It will also help with dragon and baron control, but
if you don't think your going to have to counter jungle hard there are better skills.
Heal - this can be used to aid your team mate in a lane to keep them going. Medics don't need it, and
endgame it becomes useless.
Clarity - This to me is slightly better then Heal. Giving your team mate a jump in mana can help them
stay in lane, but like heal at end game its a bit lack luster. It might also aid in ganks early game, but its
kinda a waste if you don't use it next to a team mate.
Revive - Try not to die.... you should only be in fights your going to win.
Rally -If it had a short CD I would say take it but it just not as useful as the other skills are.
Cleanse - You probably only want to take this if the other team has a lot of early game CC, and
probably never take it on Alistar.


Things to do when your team has a roamer:

The idea behind a team roamer is to open a solo lane. So take a champ your good with in a solo lane.
Once in lane try to focus on farming and staying alive. Worry less about harassment. The more
aggressive the other side is, the more effective your roamer can be. If they are harrassing hard then a
healer like soraka can come by and top you off or a ganker like Alistar can come by and headbutt their
Talk to your roamer!!!
If your the jungler plan to counter jungle then force dragon fights with your roamer. Not only is
it now safer with a roamer, but the roamer will get some exp from it to. Plant some wards! Yes your
jungler and roamer are going to do it but you can save him some much needed gold. Dont back to
often (the idea is to have a team that has out leveled the other team) or go out on your own ganks
early game. Leave the ganks to your roamer its his job. Its your job to farm. Don't leave your roamer to
die if he jumps in to harass. Have his back.
Roaming TIPS
Wards are your 2nd best friend next to your jungler.
If you take Teleport as a roamer placing wards in the bushes closest to enemy towers can give you
some unexpected ganking options
Your goal in a gank is not to get the kill but the assist, and always be happy if you make then blow a
flash ghost or other high recast skill, as this will make them less able to harass your teammate, or give
your teammate the ablity to get a kill later.

"Whenever a lane is empty, you should be getting the XP. It's the only way to not fall behind"

Positioning (team fights)

Ward baiting
Ward baiting is the practice of "baiting" an enemy team member out of position. This is usually
done by stack your team in a bush, and then waiting until you know that their team is nearby. Placing a
ward in their field of view can bait them into attacking it and exposing themselves.


Map Specifics
Summoners Rift
Creep Spawn timers
Small creep camp (Golem/Wolf packs) - 1:40
Lizard Buff - 5:00
Golem Buff - 5:00
Dragon - 6:00
Baron - 7:00
Wraith - 1:40

Twisted Treeline
Creep Spawn timers
Middle Small Creeps camp (Golem/Lizard or Wraiths packs) - 1:15
Top Small Creeps camp (Wolves) - 1:15
Top buff camp (Wraith / Wolf buff) - 3:00
Lizard Buff - 4:00
Dragon Buff -5:00


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