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Siwati (Conviction)

I will not abandon it, that which I hold dear. Why should I abandon
I will not abandon it. Its conviction that makes me face whatever
I will not abandon it, for that is how I am whether here or anywhere
Until we all are buried in our graves.
I will not abandon it, even facing punishment, torture of every style
I will not abandon it, even if told theyll strip me of all my wealth
I will not abandon it, that which is true, my hand will not relinquish it
Even suffring painful teeth, my hand will not let go
I will not abandon it, this is no contest, whatever you may say
I will not abandon it, that it be known what motivates the noble
I will not abandon it, my conviction I hold so dear
To abandon it, you see, would be impossible.
I will not abandon it, better I encounter every evil
I will not abandon it, even if told I believe in fantasies
I will not abandon it and become like a flythat Ill never be
Indeed Ill repeat: that Ill never be. May God help me.
Abdilatif Abdalla
14 March 1970, Kamiti Maximum Security Prison, Nairobi, Kenya
Translated by Kelly Askew, Berlin 2013

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