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After about one year the implementation on the 2013 curriculum, Cne, ANis

b, decides to stop the nationwide implementation of the 2013 curriculum. He said

that he will look the schools readiness first because of the different situation in
Indonesia school. While the 2013 cu is stopped, government will make a program to
train the teacher how to apply this curriculum effectively. Schools are ordered to use
the previous curriculum, th 2006 curriculum, again. the problem is whether th 2006
crr better than 2013 or not. For these reason I

There are so many problems found in the 2006 curriculum. The 2006
curriculum has many more subjects than the 2013 curriculum. The 2006 curriculum
has 11 subjects but the 2013 curriculum just has 6 subjects. They are religion,
civilization (PKn), Indonesian, mathematics, culture (SBK), and sport (PJOK). The
main difference of 2013 curriculum is science (IPA) and social (IPS) are integrated
into Indonesian subject. Students will be able to more concentrate on their studies
because they have not to study a lot of subjects. Moreover, some competences in
the 2006 curriculums subjects overlap the other subjects and some subjects ignore
the cognitive development of students. Some competences are not accommodated
such as character building, active learning methodology. On the other hand, the
2013 curriculum uses the approximation method based on students creativity. In
the 2013 curriculum, there are three main aspects in their learning process. They
are knowledge, skill, and attitude. Students can learn knowledge in Indonesian and
mathematics subjects; skill in culture (SBK), and sport (PJOK); and attitude in
religion and civilization (PKn). The students will learn more about the character
building inserted the 2013 curriculums subject.
The 2013







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