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2010 Sec 3 Chemistry Workbook Answers

Exercise 1: Kinetic Particle Theory

Section A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Section B
1(a) -8°C
1(b) -17°C
1(c) -8°C
1(d) -8°C
1(e)(i) solid
1(e)(ii) liquid
1(e)(iv)liquid and gas
1(f) Room temperature is 25°C, which is above the boiling point of X, hence X will
undergo a state change from liquid to gas.
(a)(i) Any answer where A has a heavier molecular mass than B. ie A is oxygen and B
is hydrogen. The water level at P will move up initially because B will diffuse
faster into the porous pot than A resulting in higher pressure at Q, forcing the
water level at Q to go down and thus P moves up.
(a)(ii) A and B are nitrogen and carbon monoxide. Both these gases have the same
molecular mass, and thus the rate of diffusion of both gases into the pots will be
the same.
(b) The water level at P will increase initially. The helium at a higher temperature
will diffuse at a faster rate.
(c) When diffusing through air, gas particles will randomly collide with other
particles present in air and this slows down the overall speed at which these
particles move. In vacuum, there are no other particles for the gas to collide with.

2 The particles in a solid will stop vibrating about their fixed position and begin to
move by sliding past each other. The very closely packed and regular arrangement
becomes slightly less closely packed and irregular.

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