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Conjunctions (Balayclar)

Balayclar sintaktik vziflrin gr tabesiz (coordinating) v tabeli (subordinating) balayclara

Tabesiz (coordinating) balayclar aadaklardr:
1) sad
And v, is
But amma , lakin, ancaq
Or ya, ya da, yaxud
than -dan; -dn (mqayis)
whereas amma, ancaq, lakin
while n vaxt ki, hl ki

2) mrkkb
as well as lav, stlik, bir daha
both ... and hm... hm d
either ... or ya ... ya
whether ... or istr... istrs d (ya ... ya)
neither ... nor n... n d
not only ... but also nyin kihtda
3) zrflr
moreover - bundan baqa, bir d, stlik, ondan lav
therefore ona gr d, buna gr d, ntic etibaril; bu sbbdn
so - bel; bellikl; nticsi olaraq; ona gr, buna gr d
however lakin, halbuki
nevertheless - yen d, bununla bel, hr halda.... baxmayaraq
still, yet - buna baxmayaraq, bununla bel
besides - baqa, savay; bundan baqa, bununla yana
otherwise/else/or else ks tqdird, ks halda, baqa cr
thus - bel; bellikl, bu minvalla, bu yolla

hence/thence - ntic etibar il, bu sbbdn, bellikl

Tabeli (subordinating) balayclar aadaklardr:

although; though baxmayaraq ki, ona baxmayaraq
in spite of; despite - baxmayaraq
not with standing (that) baxmayaraq ki
if gr; m, mi
as long as gr
so long as bir rtl, o rtl ki
on condition (that) bir rtl, o rtl ki
provided (that); providing (that) bir rtl, o rtl ki
unless hl ki, gr
in case halda
just in case hr etimala qar
as n vaxt ki; -anda, -nd; hans, hans ki; bel ki, olduundan, ucbatndan
because bel ki, ona gr ki
since bri, -dan,-dn; n qdr ki, madam ki, indi ki
for tr, ucundan, ucbatndan
so that n, tr,... dey
in order that n, tr, dey
even if; even though htta bel
as if; as though guya ki; sanki, el bil ki
until qdr; o vaxta qdr ki
before qabaq, -can, -cn, -dk
after ondan sonra; sonrak, sonra gl
lest hr nec olsa da
like oxar, bnzr
no matter what he bir ey baxmadan, he ny mhl qoymadan

suppose (that); supposing (that) gman etmk olar ki

when n vaxt, haan, n zaman
whether ya; m, mi
as soon as kimi
hardly ... when/before kimi
no sooner ... than kimi
scarcely ... when/before kimi

Bu balayclar sasn aadak qrammatik qaydalara uyun istifad olunur:

1) although; though +mbtda+xbr
in spite of; despite +isim; ing; the; my; these
I went out although/though it was raining. I went out in spite of/despite the rain
2) because +mbtda+xbr
because of +isim; ing; the; my; these
I didnt go out because it was raining. I didnt go out because of the rain.

3) Hardly/Scarcely + had + mbtda + xbr (3 forma), when/before +mbtda + xbr (2 forma)

No sooner + had + mbtda + xbr (3 forma), than+ mbtda + xb (2 forma)
No sooner had the curtain touched the bowl than it fell and broke to many pieces.
4) as +mbtda+xbr

like+isim; ing; the; my; these

They did as they promised. It is like walking on ice

5) gr cml glcy aid olarsa if, as long as,so long as, on condition (that), provided (that); providing
(that), unless, in case, when, while, as soon as, after, before, until (till) balayclarndan sonra glck
zaman vzin Present Simple ildilir - If he calls me, Ill tell you.

Choose the correct variant.
1. I couldnt sleepI was very tired.
A) despite

B) although

C) despite of

2. I fell sleepthe film.

A) during

B) for

C) while

3. I hope to see Tom Im here.

A) while

B) which

C) and

4. ... she tried really hard, she lost the race.

A) But

B) Although

C) Because

5. The boys life was hard here...his father was ill.

A) though

B) but

C) because

6. The man bought a new car is my uncle.

A) what

B) who

C) whom

7. The newspapers the postman brought were published early in the morning.
A) which

B) where

C) what

8. This is the village I spent my childhood.

A) what

B) which

C) where

9. She is the first person I have seen this morning.

A) that

B) which

C) who

10. We went to the shop he recommended to us.

A) where

B) whom

C) which

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