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Szbeli nyelvvizsga krdsek

1. Where do you come from?

2. Tell me something about yourself what should I know about you.
3. Who do you take after. (hasonlt)
4. Choose one person from your family and introduce him or her.
5. How long does it take for you to come here, from . ?
6. Tell me something about ..
7. Which one do you prefer: living in the countryside or living in a big city?
8. What did you do before coming here?
9. What are you doing this example?
10. Have you had your lunch yet?
11. What did you eat for lunch?
12. Which is your favorite food?
13. Could you give me the recipe of it?
14. What is the weather like outside right now?
15. Which is your favorite season?
16. How did you celebrate Christhmas?
17. Where did you celebrate the New Years Eve?
18. How do you we celebrate Christmas in Hungary?
19. What other religious holidays do you know? (Easter)
20. What do you do in your sparetime?
21. What languages do you speak?
22. What books do you read?
23. What films do you see?
24. What was the last film you saw?
25. What was the last book you read?
26. Why did you choose this college?
27. Its a little bit far away from ...
28. What are you specialized?
29. What subject did you learn?
30. Have you had any resit exams?

This picture may have been taken ..

This photo shows
I can see . in the picture.

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