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Jennifer Powell
EDU 2011
Part One Assignment


An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan that helps teachers, students, and parents get
the student where they need to go with there education. The IEP comes from the Individuals with
Disabilities Act (IDEA), this act is the most moving and dominating special education law that
we currently have today. It was originally signed in 1975 as the Education for all Handicapped.
The most important part about this law is that it was put into place that all children, regardless of
age and disability are entitled to a free, an appropriate education. The IEP supports this law and
gives teachers, parents and students an idea of where we all want the student to go and how to
educate this student to the fullest extent.
The IEP contains the students academic achievement and functional performance. The
annual goals that they go over every year must be measureable so that the student can achieve
them in some sort of way. There IEPs also include short term objectives as to where we want the
student to be half way through the year and where we should expect them to be at the end of the
year. Within the IEP it will also describe how progress will be measured and when the reports
will be issued.
The way the IEP is set up can be complety different within the states, some are more
detailed than others. Even though they may be different, they all have the same objectives, to
help the children learn.

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