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Third Grade

January 30, 2015/10 Shevat, 5775


Gev. Lansing
Tele: 414-254-6720

Rebecca: We each chose a bird we liked from one of the months in the Linnea book. Then, we drew that
bird. When we were done with the drawing we first went over it with Sharpie, and then we colored it with
Cray-Pas or crayons, and finally we painted with water colors. Joe: We read a story about Thomas Edison.
He was an inventor. He used to tinker just like we do in our room. Maddie: For our spelling test we wrote the
words in both print and cursive.

Ethan: We are talking about what we should use to sell key chains. Some of our ideas so far are posters,
banners, and flyers to give out to people in case they want to donate to Katys Kloset. Beni: We decided
that the key chains will cost $1, but if the person wants to donate more they can.

Beni: We learned cursive m and n. Sammy: We learned different ways to make letters come together! Beni:
This week we learned cursive x and q. Gev. Lansing: Only one more lowercase letter to go!

Rachel: Gev. Lansings group is starting to learn about graphs. Sarah and Sammy: Gev. Gleischmans group
is working on time and elapsed time. Gev. Lansing: Time is a challenging concept for kids, especially
elapsed time. Please work on this in real situations at home as well.
If you are looking for computer games, please check out:
The Number Games: Arachna Graph, Level A, C, and F
Country Countdown: Clock-a Doodle Doo, Level I, J, and K
Ice Station Exploration, Linear Lab, Level D
They can be found on the Think Central website. There is a link on my webpage.

Rachel: We are learning about nutrients. We have a notebook where we write what we learned. For
example: The 6 nutrients are: Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Water. Sarah: We are
looking in the online encyclopedia for foods with vitamins A, B, C, and D. Beni: We made a food plate to go
in our journals.

Rachel: Gev. Bachars group is learning about verbs. Neta: We got WHIPPED CREAM! Samantha: We had a
game day on Friday!
Sophia and Sarah: This week in Gev. Grussgotts class we rearranged how and where we sit in class. We
have also been working on verbs.

Rachel: We are continuing to learn about Avram. We are making a journal about his life. We also finished
test 4 and test 5. Now we are learning about test 6. Beni: Were using iPads to write the Avram journals!

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Rachel: We are starting a new unit where we play four different types of hockey: pillow ball, broomball, soft
hockey and regular hockey. We have to work our way up to regular hockey. We are still trying to pass pillow
ball. Sammy: We are doing broomball now.

Rachel: We are making a book about Martin Luther King, Jr. in Publisher. Sarah and Sophia: We are going
on Britannica ImageQuest to locate pictures for our books. Gev. Lansing: The students learned their facts
from the book we read in class, Who is Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Neta: We are singing songs about Martin.

Neta: We drew our faces; then we colored it if we were finished. Maya: We are making mini-books for the
art show. Hanna: We are also making mini-drawers to put the mini-books in.

Rebecca: We are learning how to look up stuff on World Book Kids when we want to.

Please join me, other parents, and Adon King for ED Talk on Thursday, Feb. 5. If you have not RSVP'ed,
please do so today. I hope to see you there!
If you have not yet signed up for your NEW Spring Conference time, please do so. There is a link each week
in Mah Lada'at or
If you have any other friends or connections who you think would be receptive to receiving a letter about
donating to Katy's Kloset, please email me their names and addresses.

Thursday, Feb. 5: ED Talk, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at MJDS
Thursday, Feb. 12: Noon dismissal for staff development
Friday, Feb. 13 & Monday, Feb. 16: No school: February Break
Monday, March 16: 2 p.m. dismissal: Conferences
Tuesday, March 17: No school: Conferences

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