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Children of the Heavenly Father


of the heav - nly

own doth tend and
life nor death shall
giv - eth or He

Fa - ther safe - ly
nou rish, in His
ev - er from the
tak - eth God His

in His bos - om gath - er

ho - ly courts they flou-rish
Lord His child - ren se - ver
child ren ne'er for - sak - eth

Nest - ling
From all
Un - to
His the

1.Child ren
2.God His
3.Neith - er
4.Through He




bird nor star in hea - ven such a re - fuge e'er was gi - ven.
ev - il things He spares them, in His might - y arms He bears them
them His grace He show - eth and their sor - rows all He know - eth.
lov - ing pur - pose sole - ly to pre-serve them pure and ho - ly

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